Fifty (First?) Swinger Dates – Booking Dates That Don’t Suck

Why is it that when we go on a swinger date, we almost always end up at a restaurant or a bar?  Well, part of it is that we have failed…miserably…at trying to find places for GOOD swinger dates elsewhere.

Want to find out what a good place for a date is?  How about some bad ones?  Listen in to this week’s Casual Swinger to find out more about where you should be spending your time with your new favorite couples & singles!

Also, learn about the Casual Creator program on Casual Toys & catch up on “Swingin’ In the News,” where we talk about Louise Fischer, a Danish journalist who went the extra mile while covering the reopening of a local swingers club by having sex with the guy she was interviewing!

New York Post – Danish Journalist

Casual Toys

Rachals Rascals

Hedonism II

Casual Creators Program



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Fifty First Swinger Dates

Fri, 8/27 5:29PM • 1:03:04


fucking, swinger, date, people, casual, couple, sex, sexy, fun, speakeasies, drinks, journalist, talk, swingers club, hear, loud, event, true, pool halls, good


Mickey Gordon, Mallory Gordon


Mallory Gordon  00:08

You’re listening to the casual swinger podcast. As your hosts, we need to warn you that the material you’re about to hear may be sexual or explicit in nature. This podcast is intended for an adult audience. Now, we don’t expect you to act like adults.


Mickey Gordon  00:22

We’re a married couple living in Florida with over 13 years of experience in the lifestyle and we take almost nothing seriously. Casual swingers variety show meaning we’ll cover everything from music to events, travel, and even the occasional hilarious screw up. Our show was about entertainment. We’re not licensed professionals had anything in our stories, commentary and guidance should not be confused the opinions of a licensed professional


Mallory Gordon  00:46

now that you know, let’s take those pants off and get comfy. Welcome back to another episode of casual swinger. I’m Mallory, and Mickey. And we’re talking dates. today. Are we going on a date? I fucking hope so. It’s bloody summer riches. Oh, sweaty summer, how’s it going? Oh my gosh, I’m frustrated. I think I’ve hit a plateau a hump a horrible. I wish. You know, I can make 1000 excuses like work in life, which are valid at the same time, but like, I’m a woman on a mission. We’re just having some struggles. So and now I’m feeling the pressure because I have my surgery date booked for August Oh, shits going down folks getting real? And you know, I’m gonna be out of commission for a little bit, right?


Mickey Gordon  01:40

And while I’m gonna be able to do this, or am I gonna have to find another co host while you’re recovering?


Mallory Gordon  01:44

I can do this. Okay, this is fine. It just can’t be like jostled and jiggled and rammed you know what I mean? You


Mickey Gordon  01:50

can’t be on all fours tits flying all over the place.


Mallory Gordon  01:52

No, no, no, no, that is that is an illegal move. I’m hoping it’s just for you know, a few weeks, but we’ll see. You know, I’ve obviously never done this before. So, you know, here’s hoping but, you know, I’m just, I’m just a little frustrated. You know, I am talking to a few potential guys, thank you very much. You’ve been kicking a few over the fence for me to help because I got you know, I think I exhausted my resources and the apps.


Mickey Gordon  02:18

You know, I mean, you really weren’t, you’re really kind of using one right? You’re using field but


Mallory Gordon  02:22

yeah, and I’m, I’m, I’m just a little opposed to Tinder because it doesn’t allow me to, like inherently identify as non monogamous.



I guess. I kind of have to why


Mallory Gordon  02:32

I, I don’t feel like lying. I feel like I need to put it in there. But I don’t know how I feel about utilizing that for general public. And I know we have a lot of friends that have used it, especially for the hot wiping stuff. So maybe I’m just overthinking it, maybe I do need to like, jump in there and get to it. But even the guys like on field that. Like No, I’m you know, and cnm hot wife. I just I’m jaded, I guess because I’ve started so many conversations and I’m fucking picky. They’re just like, they’re, well, they’re.


Mickey Gordon  03:07

So I can tell when you start to get jaded because you start to fall off on keeping up your end of the conversation. You’re like, you’re gonna suck anyway, so I’m just gonna go


Mallory Gordon  03:14

Okay, so how do i do something? This is gonna sound so bad. How do I get out of wood? I decided this person to potato is I’m no longer interested you sir rice, but I find it really hard to exit like how do you politely exit stage left? I have said like, Thanks, but no thanks. And then I get the reply, like, but I’m awesome. Or I thought we had a connection and accumulated are you on?


Mickey Gordon  03:42

Yeah, and I guess I get that too, because, you know, I run interference for you on the regular SLS, STC Cassidy, etc. and I run interference for you. And I’m like, okay, Mallory might be willing to talk to somebody, but these are the things you need. And then you know, you hear back from them. They’re like, okay, like, you’re a conversationalist, huh. All right, you do. Awesome. Alright, so how did the preop go? Let’s talk about your dailies for a minute, because everybody has been messaging us going. We want to know more about Mallory’s tits.


Mallory Gordon  04:12

Oh, it’s going great. Um, I had a great pre op appointment with the doctor bless his heart he there was a surgery day for him but it’s the only day that worked in our schedules before that date because I’m traveling a lot for work. So he drove all the way to an office that was convenient for us to go to to see us so we’re good to go. Oh, eights



are down all the gains are down. It’s it’s happening now. Certain panic a little bit gave him his money. Yes, it’s over. Yeah, they’re like 95% like, yeah, it’s 70. I don’t know about your tips, but my assets.


Mallory Gordon  04:46

I know. And I’m probably driving you crazy. And I’m like, What if they’re too big? What if there? What if you don’t like this stop? They’ll be me. I’m starting to feel all of them.


Mickey Gordon  04:55

It’s all listeners are agreeing with you right now. I can see them nodding along going. We love boobs. It’s fine. Yeah, thanks for the memories. Let’s do this.


Mallory Gordon  05:03

Yeah, I think we’re gonna do like a story with the before, during and after. Why not? Yeah. What else do we have? I came up with a great photo shoot, I think for like my coming out party for my new titties. Oh, this is gonna be great. I don’t remember what it is. So it’d be new to me too.



This is the beauty of having six concussions. Guys. Everything is new to me. Yeah, all the time. I’ll give you a hint. It’s we’re gonna take it in the kitchen. Oh, okay. I still don’t remember. Okay. It’ll be nice surprise.


Mickey Gordon  05:30

All right. I’m a very visual guy. But hey, you guys might notice if you listen to season one, Episode Four, something changed in season, or rather season four. And what changed is we’ve got some ads that play on the show now. So don’t get freaked out. We’re not taking money from anybody. We’re just kind of throwing some ads out there for people that we care about. So you know things like podcast a Palooza encore that’s coming up. We have a great ad that Kate made for us that we threw in we’re gonna do a better job I think of sticking them in better places. I just kind of let the software do it. And it didn’t end well. So sorry about that. But you know what about podcasts please encore honey What do you got anything to tell people about oh


Mallory Gordon  06:08

yeah, this is gonna be a fucking awesome event like I’m sad that we’re not gonna be there we just can’t work it out but everything that you know we’re hearing seeing the kids doing because I mean obviously she puts her you know blood sweat and tears into us it’s gonna be a fantastic event it’s being held in Dallas November and some awesome people like average swingers Janie Angie and sweet life podcast are going to be there so yeah, definitely check it out. Yeah, if you’re looking to travel and do you know a swinger event in the fall that should be at the top of your list because p cap in May and Miami was fucking unreal. I


Mickey Gordon  06:39

was awesome is one of the best times you’ve had in a long time. Amen. Another ad that you’ll probably see before long is a more in medical clinic and that’s the sick dick Doc’s. So they do a lot more than sick dicks, almost said suck decks, but they do a lot more than CIG decks. Well, I mean, one of mine. That’s true. No, don’t die safe bet Nicole does. But you know, things like the O shot for feminine incontinence, which I think is a huge deal after childbirth. You know, Nicole wrote a book actually called, what is it? Sometimes I laughed. So hard tears run down my legs. Yeah. Which is just hilarious. But I think a lot of women actually deal with that issue. And she has a solution for that. They’re also coming to the ASN awards in September to offer some things like trimax.


Mallory Gordon  07:17

And that’s not uncommon with age either. Because when you think about it, everything in your plumbing done there is held together by the connective tissue which degenerate as you get older. So childbirth or not childbirth, like as you become a woman of a certain age, it’s definitely something that does happen. Oh, so you’re gonna tell me that it’s gonna start smelling like pee, because I’m gonna have an issue with that. I’m okay for now. But I’m not opposed to getting the O shot.


Mickey Gordon  07:40

If that Oh, no, no, no, no. I mean, you saw what they did to me. It was it was something but hey, they’re also going to do something. If you’re thinking about going to the ASN awards, which are coming up at top secret resort in September down here in Orlando. They’re also going to be doing hangover bags at a morning medical, which I think is great. That’s right. IV bags. Yeah, hangover IV bags, which is pretty cool.


Mallory Gordon  08:00

That’s awesome. No, when you think about an event like that, when it’s a multi day, and you know, you’re going to be consuming an absorbent amount of alcohol. Yeah, yeah. Having having a quick hangover fix, or at least assist. There is not a bad idea.


Mickey Gordon  08:14

Right. And we got one more thing coming up in November the last ride for a while. Oh, man, it’s going down. Oh, so excited. wait to get all these people back together for another rascals Ito trip today.


Mallory Gordon  08:25

I mean, November is our home trip. Right? It is. So I’m excited. I’m sad, that it’s going to be some time before we go, you know, back with the rascals and you know, we’re taking a hiatus mostly based on PTO we need to afford the time for ourselves to to do other things. And you know, who knows, maybe we’ll put together our own trip. We’ve been asked that by a lot of people. No, as of today, we don’t have a casual swinger trip planned to go to Hito. But it doesn’t mean it’s out of the running. You just don’t have anything on the books


Mickey Gordon  08:50

yet. Exactly. And we still loved him and Rachael Ray, I mean, if we do something we’re probably going to do something you know, friendly with those guys, because we’ll always love them their family to us, but Amen. You know, nothing’s wrong. We got a lot of questions from listeners. Oh, my God. Did you guys have a fight with rascals? Fuck no, we didn’t have a fight the Gospels. We love them.


Mallory Gordon  09:06

Yeah. But I don’t mean to laugh. I just find it so funny that that people would assume something like that? No, definitely not. We’re good. We love those guys. They’re going to continue having their three trips at a minimum every year, February and November, with or without us, which is great. They’re fantastic group of people. If you book with them, and we’re not there, you’re still gonna have a great time.


Mickey Gordon  09:24

Yeah. And November 2022, is going to be a takeover. So they’re going to have the whole resort in 22. That’ll be our first November without us in a long time. So we’ll definitely miss it. But I think it’s gonna be super, super, super cool.


Mallory Gordon  09:35

I think they’re gonna have a lot of value adds an extra for those folks. So very excited for them. Oh, yeah.


Mickey Gordon  09:40

And we talked for a second about the ASN awards casual toys is going to be a sponsor at the ASN awards, which we’re pretty excited about.


Mallory Gordon  09:46

I am I think, you know, we’ve done shows in our vanilla lives and our careers. And I’m really excited when we get the opportunity to do something like this because we’re so passionate about the toy store. So I love that we’re sponsoring a swinger event. You


Mickey Gordon  10:00

know, we started the toy store, I never realized we were going to love it as much as we do. Like, we have got heard from so many of you that we’ve made so happy and helped overcome issues or find products or toys that work for you. It’s just so cool.


Mallory Gordon  10:14

Well, and you’re so good at it like in your customer service hat when regard to who you truly care. And I do too. I’m just much more pragmatic and volatize in my conversation, I’m sure people who have talked to both of us can identify who’s who. Because you you emote and you put so much like words into it. And I’m just I’m more succinctly than that. That sometimes it may actually read as a lack of emotion now that I think about it. I should go talk to my therapist. You’re kind of an asshole. I am not an asshole. I just I’m goal oriented.


Mickey Gordon  10:46

Does that answer your question? Is that all you need? Are we done here? Are we done? Right, next? Anything else? You want? fries? No. Okay, bye. No. Okay. That’s what happens when Mallory mans. There you go. Whoa. You’re great. Well, you do second. It’s fun. But we are going to have a table at ASN, which I think is gonna be super cool. We’ll be right down from our friends at Memorial medical. And you can buy some of those toys and condoms and lube that we’re known for. But you know, we’re actually also up for a couple of words. Yeah, so casual swingers up for a word. And we just found out that we’re a finalist, which we can’t tell you how much we appreciate guys. We love you. We we really do. Thank you. We still want you to vote for Kate because I think she deserves to win. And she’s worked so hard for it. But you know what casual toys is up for best boutique, you should probably casual toys. So you guys gonna vote for us for that one, because I worked my ass off on casual toys when you have. And it matters to me. I think that we built the best damn store in the lifestyle.


Mallory Gordon  11:52

I think so too. And I think with our customer service mantra, like it’s, it’s legit. I’ve never seen anything else out there. Like it. And speaking of casual toys, you just announced a new program, which I’m super proud of. I I’m just the sounding board for this one. This is your baby. But I think it’s genius.


Mickey Gordon  12:10

I love it. It’s called the casual creators program and what it’s for, it’s for creators on all the platforms. So only fans, many vids Pornhub. You know, you guys are made chatterbait you take you take your pig. But all of you out there that are in this space seem to have wish lists in the wish list are always Amazon wish lists. And the reason they do it is because Amazon does a good job of protecting your personal information as a creator. Because the person that’s buying stuff for you can’t see where it’s going. So when we realized that’s all that was really happening, we built it into casual toys, and we call it casual creators. So what happens is, you give out this wish list, which is based on our store, and we can help you get that set up. its creators casual toys calm, but you get that set up your wish list protects your data. So you’re, you’re absolutely protected from your customers. And you get paid. So they buy you stuff. And you make money, which I think is pretty cool. So if you’re a creator, reach out to us and find out more about that special bonus


Mallory Gordon  13:07

100%. And you were very particular when you said creator because this could be you know, other podcasters like you said only fans, bloggers what you know, I’m


Mickey Gordon  13:16

sure anybody that wants a wish list in this space that is a creator, it would work for podcasters too. But honestly, most of the podcasters just use the affiliate program and they get a couple bucks that way, but we do have a few podcasters that have only fans. That’s true, too. And not everybody wants you know to know where their dildo is gonna be shipped? Yeah, probably not. Yeah,


Mallory Gordon  13:34

love our listeners, but I’m not gonna give you my home address for Christmas cards yet.


Mickey Gordon  13:37

Yeah, well, anyway, so now we got that all of that away. We’re gonna break and come back with a discussion on 51st swinger dates first. Not really first. Just they’re all seemed kind of the same, right? Is there more to do than just dinner and drinks?


Mallory Gordon  13:51

I don’t know. But I think we’re going to talk about it and give them a few ideas here and we would tell a story or two. Yeah, because I think we get a couple good ones and the how are we going to cap this thing off? Well, and you found this great article that we haven’t had a chance to talk about. So definitely stick around. We’re going to do a swinging in the news. This one’s very entertaining. It’s about a journalist that covers a reopening of a swing club in Europe. I can’t remember where in Europe, Denmark, maybe Copenhagen. Okay. And she really really gets into the story. Wink wink.


Mickey Gordon  14:20

Oh, yeah, I think some part of the story got into her. We’re gonna talk about that and we get back here in just a second but before we go, the time you guys all know in love Mallory, tell everybody where to find us.


Mallory Gordon  14:31

Hey, we are casual swing are everywhere that is casual. Feel free to shoot us a message at podcast at casual swing calm we both get those. love us want to say something nice. You can post a review on iTunes. We appreciate that. And I don’t know why I fucking ask. But hey, I like affirmation. That’s why we’re also on social media. That’s Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Instagram. And if you want to check out the dating sites and get to know a little more, that is W ignition Cassidy blinking


Mickey Gordon  15:04

SOS See? See even Mallory flubs it from time to time, folks. We’ll be back right after this. With more on 51st swinger dates, you’ve been listening to casual swinger. Hello again, everybody. Welcome back to casual swinger. My name is Mickey. And I know it’s only been like three seconds. You guys probably knew who was anyway. But we do this every time we come back from a segment get Buchan used to it. Yeah, well, the better he’s 68 episodes in I bet they’re used. So let’s talk about 51st swinger dates. Okay. We’ve talked about this in doing this episode a few times, because we go on a lot of dates. And one of the things I want to put out here, first and foremost, is we’re going to kind of talk about this from our perspective, yes, from a casual swinger perspective, meaning that we don’t generally go out with people with the explicit intent of just having sex with them. So it’s not just about how attractive they are. It’s not just their their it’s not just the weekend, right? Right. We look for a little more we look for a better connection we look for. I don’t know that thing that we can’t always put our finger on or in, right, it’s just more than that. And that makes dating hard. The real world caters to couples.


Mallory Gordon  16:41

Yeah, it does and I it’s not a one size fits all not from our tactic. And you’re right. The the types of activities available are for monogamous dating, right. And we’ve we’ve done a pretty good job of taking events like that and pivoting them to make it interesting for a four way date. Right? Um, because you think about it, even like vanilla folks go out with other people, but you know, and have a good time. I’m sure you know, bowling is a lot of fun.


Mickey Gordon  17:12

Yeah, I mean, yeah, I kinda is, I guess, but it’s not really a good Saturday. Like, Hey, honey, you want to see where I put these fingers? I can do this to you later. Oh, gross. Hot damn, no, no, no doing the pink one in the state.


Mallory Gordon  17:25

of actually that does sound like fun. No, I’m actually I should never go on a date that has any anything competitive because I am super competitive like our first date you beat my ass I did. I didn’t even care about getting to know you. I just wanted to be you know,


Mickey Gordon  17:43

you straight up beat my ass. But, you know, swinger dates are kind of like Groundhog Day, in, at least for us. And it’s always kind of the same thing. chat, chat, chat, talk, talk, exchange, pictures, Chat Chat, you’re hot. You’re pretty okay, let’s, hey, let’s get dinner and drinks, or let’s meet for drinks. And it’s the same thing. nerve revoke.


Mallory Gordon  18:02

Don’t you know what? That’s okay. There’s nothing wrong with sticking with what works, especially for the first date. Because it’s neutral. It’s common ground. It’s something everyone’s comfortable with?


Mickey Gordon  18:12

Well, and I think one of the reasons we do that is because we’ve had so many dates that we’ve tried to get creative and do something fun and interesting. And it didn’t go well. Right. And you don’t want to kind of and I tell you one of the reasons why I think dinner and drinks works so frequently is once you get past that, and you know that you have some compatibility and it works, maybe then it’s okay to do something more creative. Because you don’t want to ruin that experience and always associated with a shitty date. That’s fair, you know. So I think that is probably why we do it. But we’re still gonna throw some of this stuff out here for you. Because not everybody swings the same way. Not everybody does it like we do. Some folks like just hooking up and banging them because they’re hot, or they’re willing or they’re available. We’re not judging you. There’s no judgment here. That’s what you do rock the buck on. But who we’re talking to today is the people that kind of do it the way we do, which is a little more casual, want to get to know people and probably want to make friends.


Mallory Gordon  19:05

Yeah. And there’s, there’s a few things that come into play there. Right. And when we talk about, you know, these other options for swinger dates, and when you add that to our style, there’s certain things that become an issue, like places that are fucking loud. Oh, my God. I mean, especially for me. Yeah, well, exactly. But in general, when we want to get to know them better, it’s really hard to do it in a place that’s very loud, for instance, and we’ll go through a few examples there. But also like that, that would absolutely limit our ability to connect because we want to have a conversation with them. Right. So you know, then it begs the question, Where do we go to have these experiences and is it only limited to dinner and drinks?


Mickey Gordon  19:46

Yeah, and I think you hit on a really key point there, though, rate. Anytime you go somewhere for a first time with somebody and you take one of your senses or two of your senses off the table, it becomes a lot more difficult. So anywhere that’s really loud anywhere that’s really dark, right? You’re going to take senses or dark and loud, which we’ll get to strip clubs in a minute. But, you know, when you’re talking about things like that, where the hell should you go if there’s all these gotchas and all these landmines?


Mallory Gordon  20:16

And should you consider the fact that Hey, where’s the transition in this activity? If playtime is warranted, please consider that maybe that’s not the first date or maybe the first date is going so fucking well, but it’s, it’s all it’s on the table. So how do you work that into the planning,


Mickey Gordon  20:34

sometimes you just want to throw them in the backseat of the truck and go to work. That was my last day. Alright, so let’s start with just we’re gonna dig into some of our favorite dates here. They can still be sexy and give you a chance to know your new friends a little better, before deciding how you’re going to transition. Yeah, well, starting with old reliable the date in and day out Groundhog Day of swingers dinner and drinks


Mallory Gordon  20:56

I and again, no sense of re you know, reinventing the wheel when this does work. You know, again, we’re gonna go through some examples of stuff that could work that’s different. But this fits into our kiss. acronym. Keep it simple, stupid. Yes. Simple, sexy, and stupid. Well, who are we talking to both actually work? You know, we do love acronyms around here, don’t we do are weird. But it does work, you know, and it gives you an easy way to coordinate because sometimes coordinating the date can be a challenge, depending on, you know, someone else’s circumstances. For example, if their parents, our kids are practically grown, we have more freedoms than maybe somebody else with younger children. Practically that little fucker is more mature than we are. That’s true. Wow, you really called us out there. I did. Fair enough, though. Anyway, like I was saying, you know, and logistics, right? Like you’re not trying to be the one that covers the gap necessarily, you know, makes up if they you know, have a ways to travel, maybe picking something in between Sure. In a decent work. You know, there’s a lot of things at play there. But the travel gap is a thing. Yeah. Especially for Well, yeah. Yeah,


Mickey Gordon  22:06

for us. But the travel gap is, is really a thing. And I think we see that. And I think it’s it’s nice to offer to travel to see people, especially if they do have childcare constraints, right? Like, let’s say they have a hard stop at 11. Because that’s when the babysitter leaves go closer to them be cool,


Mallory Gordon  22:24

right? And we don’t mind doing that. It just something we don’t necessarily want to make a habit of every time because it does it does become taxing especially you know, if we’re talking round trip, it’s 45 minutes to an hour from here and then well,


Mickey Gordon  22:36

yeah, turns into a whole thing. That’s why we just invite them back here to the casual compound on the couch. Just have sex on the Lanai. Okay,


Mallory Gordon  22:41

if that’s our thing, I mean, we have the perfect venue for it. If you like being watched by cows,


Mickey Gordon  22:47

that’s right, mom, baby, call me. Know, be mindful of the cost, too. It’s not just


Mallory Gordon  22:53

a good one. That is a great one because it’s swinging and dating is expensive, especially in Orlando. Well, and it can be and it doesn’t have to be extravagant, you know, and I’m sorry, my my checking account doesn’t want to afford that I’d rather save my money for you know, other things a nicer hotel.


Mickey Gordon  23:11

But no, I do think that we you know, being mindful of cost means that maybe a first date, it shouldn’t be something where like fogo or Ruth’s Chris or something like that, maybe you should do something a little more straightforward, a little simpler, a little more within reach for everybody, because you don’t necessarily know what their socio economic capabilities are. Because it’s not something we talk about. It’s not really sexy to talk about marrying with other swingers. So do something that you know is going to be cool for everybody. Until it’s obvious that maybe either they have more high end tastes or low end taste, maybe their beer and pizza kind of people. There’s nothing wrong with that. I’ve had great sex with beer and pizza people.


Mallory Gordon  23:46

Hi, he married one was awesome. And the other thing is, and this is sounds like it’s common sense, but the romantic in me has made this mistake a couple times is get approval in the location, like find a place get the group to agree. I’ve tried to take the extra step thinking like in my head, you know, aren’t I just the do gooder here? And it didn’t exactly turn out. Great. So just a little tip there.


Mickey Gordon  24:10

I will tell you, I think maybe I have been guilty of maybe picking a couple of places that were a little too high end for our dates in the past, or taking some of our friends without really thinking about, you know that it was going to be expensive. Like I got us into a really badass restaurant on a group date that we went on with some friends. And I’d happen to know somebody so I got us like Primo seating Primo restaurant was just amazing. But I didn’t stop to think about what this dinner was going to cost everybody. And I kind of felt bad after it was over that I walked everybody into an expensive dinner. And maybe they didn’t ask they didn’t ask they didn’t know and of course everybody’s certainly paid their way but I still felt bad about it after it was over.


Mallory Gordon  24:53

I you know when I understand that, and I appreciate the fact that you acknowledge that I don’t think at the time anyway. When they’re minded I think they were very appreciative of the experience but it’s that is food for thought for future use and we’re not extravagant people by nature. We were excited because it was a opportunity we’ll probably never have again a the timing just happened to work out and you know we don’t call in favors very often it was offered and we took took the option we did you know, we’re sorry we did it was a bad Astra was very bad. So once in a lifetime thing.


Mickey Gordon  25:28

Yeah, it was really good. So it was not bad. But let’s talk about some other like dates and ideas for these guys because now we’re past Groundhog Day. You know, something that might be interesting. And notice we didn’t say first dates because these dates could be first dates, but they can also be somewhere that you go after you get out of that Groundhog Day.


Mallory Gordon  25:44

Yeah. And you know what I think is great that we started this conversation because I in my sweaty summer of research and, and passion here. I’m also looking to have some fun with these people. The dinner drinks is fine. And of course sex is on the table and great and the whole purpose but I want to also have fuckin fun doing it. So I think some of the advice we’re giving and try to apply it to my sweaty summer. Oh, yeah, I’m very excited.


Mickey Gordon  26:11

So we’re the first one up. This is what you’re gonna do with one of your boys. I can’t wait for this. Okay. I don’t think you’re gonna do this. So now you and me baby Ain’t nothing but mammals. No, you can give the dog park. Yeah, I’m talking about the dog. Yeah, your watch dogs humping each other. I


Mallory Gordon  26:26

actually love this bad for me because one, I get very distracted by other animals because they think they’re cute and amazing, too. I love my dogs, but they’re not well behaved around other dogs. So I don’t know if that’s a good option unless they have a dog and it’s well behaved. I don’t know that that’s gonna be a good one. For


Mickey Gordon  26:42

  1. It might not be but so what we’re talking about is a dog park for a swinger date. Why not? Why not? Why not meet up with another couple. Take your dogs, let them go at like eight holes and run around and have some fun in a place where you can talk have some laughs and it’s a very casual low pressure environment. And who doesn’t love dogs?


Mallory Gordon  26:59

Yeah. And it’s another option for people which we’ve met the don’t drink. Right? Yeah. So this takes the the drinks off the table. And let’s, let’s be honest, not everyone wants a high caloric you know, what about packing attending one of the dogs? Yeah, that’s true. That’s a great one. And also people who like dogs, usually pretty good people usually pretty good people. Cat people. You guys suck. They’re just a little weird. Little bit. pointy on five ends. Yeah, not just kidding. I like cats. I like pussy. What about like something sporty? Like what if like they’re athletic or, or were athletic?


Mickey Gordon  27:34

Well, and you could do a lot of things from a sporty perspective. But not everybody is going to be great. At the sport. You’re great. So inviting them to your volleyball club. For example, if you’re not six feet tall, and Helga smash a volleyball, you’re probably not going to be great at volleyball and it’s not going to be something that works for you. Correct? I five, five. Okay, so Mallory is five five and she cannot Helga smash volleyball. So this is probably not gonna be good for but how about something that everybody either sucks equally at work and have fun doing that you don’t have to be a pro to do. One that came to mind for me was frisbee golf.


Mallory Gordon  28:10

That’s actually a really good one. It’s kind of popular down here in Florida. So that would be a great option right now that they have cornhole tournaments around here to


Mickey Gordon  28:20

one of the sports the fat guys can be good at, like it’s on the shortlist well,


Mallory Gordon  28:24

and for me, I would love to think I’m athletic. I love being active. I am not an athlete. My hand eye coordination is not great, but I can get by with cornhole now actual golf. Forget about it. See, she says this, but she can give a blowjob and a handjob at the same time like nobody’s business. Yeah, but I can’t drive a stick either, though. My mind is fine. You know what I mean? No,


Mickey Gordon  28:46

you cannot drive a stick shift. It’s fucking hilarious. But no, I think frisbee golf would actually make a pretty cool swing, because you can suck at it and still have fun doing it.


Mallory Gordon  28:55

So what about axe rolling? I think that’s a great one.


Mickey Gordon  28:58

See, the problem with axe throwing though is you made me very nervous because you’re an assassin.


Mallory Gordon  29:01

I didn’t know how good I was until that happened. And now I definitely want those fucking ninja stars. I think I’m very concerned in the kitchen around you. Yeah, and it’s fun. And you know, you get your endorphins going and your adrenaline and


Mickey Gordon  29:15

you know why axe throwing is a great one. Because there’s one in every city in fucking America now. There are I mean, every major cities got one


Mallory Gordon  29:22

yeah, and well, hell sapphic liked it so much. They joined like some League, didn’t they?


Mickey Gordon  29:26

They’re in an axe throwing league so that they’re like we have lesbian assassins now that’s just what the world they’re on my team just stop on my rainbow you’re dead. Well, and like Yeah, yeah, right. What about so what you kick my ass out on our first day? Yeah. pool and darts.


Mallory Gordon  29:45

Yeah, do people still do that? Cuz we haven’t done it in so long. Like I would actually have to Google like a pool hall or billiards room near me.


Mickey Gordon  29:56

Yeah, maybe. I mean, I think the problem with pool halls is They’re a little CD and a lot of a lot of cases, that’s fair. And so I think what you look for is you look for a good bar that also has a pool table and darts, you really kind of have to know your area that you’re going to that’s true, because pool halls tend to be just not


Mallory Gordon  30:16

easy they can be but I will say like I am in need of a good biker bar, I grew up, you know, in, you know, west coast of Florida, and there was at least two of them that we would frequent because they were the pool halls at the same time, but they were also biker bars so that I had an established comfort level there. So I don’t know if that would train


Mickey Gordon  30:33

you and are both comfortable in dive bars and biker bars, because we both kind of grew up in that environment. And honestly, bikers are some of the coolest fucking people ever meet, so I got no issues with it. No Matter of fact, there’s a shitload of bikers that are swingers. So I mean, that’s one of the things I’ve continually heard about Sturgis is that there’s the swinger contingent is over the top. But they’re not recommending Sturgis for a date, by the way, just saying that that was definitely a thing.


Mallory Gordon  30:56

And what about another one? And we identified a couple of these near us and we still have yet to do it. Are these fucking arcade bars or capers? Yeah, and I’m not talking about Dave and Busters. That’s family friendly. That’s I’m not saying that they’re off the table, per se, but we’ll talk about them later. But like once I have the nostalgic games, kind of like we saw in the museum were down in Austin, right? Like Double Dragon and pan and yeah, yeah. And they have you know, liquor and bar food and whatnot. But it’s a no kids. Yeah,


Mickey Gordon  31:25

yeah. So you got a basically a good environment, hang out with your people play some games be a little competitive. Because you know what, when you and I go in places like that, no matter what couple we’re with, we’re playing skee ball.


Mallory Gordon  31:36

Oh, 100%. Or what’s it called? I air hockey? Yeah, we better hockey after I get competitive. I even when I suck. And I know I suck. I’m competitive. pinball, I want the highest score. Your but I think it’s fun. Because you can’t take yourself too seriously and put yourself in that environment because that environments literally build for a 12 year old. So for an adult, a middle aged adult to have fun in that environment is sexy to me.


Mickey Gordon  32:05

Oh, yeah. And of course, you can drink beer the whole time. You’re there. I mean, some of the ones are really, really neat. There’s one in Richmond, Virginia, where they have all the beers on tap on the wall and you can go up and just get whatever you want with your little card. And it actually just it keeps track for you. And then you when you leave you pay your bill. It’s really cool.


Mallory Gordon  32:22

Oh, yeah, there’s a ton there’s a ton of places that actually have that operation, by the way that you have a car that you refill,


Mickey Gordon  32:29

or breweries that I’ve been to though this was an arcade bar that had that plus, you know, a bunch of video games and shit sounds really cool. What about you know, speaking of sporty, like hiking?


Mallory Gordon  32:39

You know what, you don’t have to be an athlete to hike either. There’s Yeah, we call that walking. Exactly. This is walking off a walking on dirt. This is walking on dirt versus pavement or sidewalk. And no matter where you live in this country, there’s probably a beautiful hiking trail somewhere not too far from you. Whether it’s inland beach side, mountain side, like there, there’s tons of nurse health. There’s one down the road from us. Yeah, we live in the middle of nowhere, and there’s a hiking trail. I had no ideas around


Mickey Gordon  33:08

a lake. And you see the neat part about hiking though, is it’s really easy to transition hiking to fucking in the woods. Do we want to do that? Why not? Okay, mosquitoes? Oh, yeah, I don’t want to get bitten by a mosquito. That would not be cool means me scratching my nads all the time. But


Mallory Gordon  33:24

I will say that, again, it gets your blood, you know, flowing and moving and gives you the opportunity to have conversation and talk about you know, things and there’s a lot of people in this world. But hiking is like a pastime for them like a hobby. So, yeah, not unusual. It’s amazing. And it applies to every state I can think of right?


Mickey Gordon  33:45

Yeah, pretty much you can walk on dirt anywhere in this great nation and anywhere in the world. For our listeners that are outside the United States. You too can walk on dirt and call it hiking. Awesome.


Mallory Gordon  33:55

So what about like, uh, this is something I wanted to do and haven’t pulled the trigger on? Is the murder mystery dinner or like the murder mystery dinner train? I think it would be a cool experience. And I think if we could translate to a good first date to,


Mickey Gordon  34:09

I think it probably could. I mean, do we kind of did that with you for here? Right?


Mallory Gordon  34:14

So yeah, we did that we went up to Toledo for an event they had and they actually did this dinner that was 80s themed, and everyone had like a pseudonym for like an 80s, like, character, artist, or musician or whatever. And it was a lot of fun. And what I loved about it is there were people at the event that we didn’t know and it allowed us to get to know them a little better. It kind of made you super comfortable really fast.


Mickey Gordon  34:36

Yeah, I think it did. I really loved just the idea that they gave us our characters ahead of time. And let us really embody the characters and really become that character for the event and think about what you were going to do and what sort of little idiosyncrasies you were going to bring to it. What I like about that for a swinger date, if and when you get to do that sort of thing, is if you can do that, it really lets you share Show your creativity and your personality to the other couple makes you endearing.


Mallory Gordon  35:03

Sure, sure. And even in the ones that you don’t dress up and being character necessarily right that you don’t, you don’t show up prepared for. It allows especially the introverted people that that that may scare them the preparedness and like being verbose and in character that may be a little much for them at first. But showing up to the dinner like that, usually those introverts are really great at problem solving. So you get to learn a little more about them, and they kind of feel a little more comfortable in that area, per se. So yeah. And so back to the drinking events. Oh, yeah. Another bar. Yeah, speakeasies are on the rise. Like, you’re seeing more and more of them. We just had one open up 25 minutes from our house, which we’re super excited about. And those tend to be a really neat experience. Yes, it’s framed around drinking, but they tend to have very unique atmospheres and the ability to have conversation. And if you guys have decided or have been talking online, and maybe you’re bourbon enthusiasts like we are, or maybe you’re into craft beer, or wine, you know, wineries and distilleries are another great option as well. Oh,


Mickey Gordon  36:09

they really are. And, you know, when it comes to speakeasies, you know, it’s funny, because the one we went to in Austin, was really loud. I was really astonished at how loud it was inside, most of the speakeasies we’ve been to are a little more conversation focused. So it makes them a really good date. And also you get a nice dark corner, usually in a speakeasy, if you were that


Mallory Gordon  36:29

Yeah. And I think that’s the only downside, they tend to have, you know, very low lot lighting for the ambience, which in one hand is very sexy, and for me makes that transition to sexy time, a lot easier.


Mickey Gordon  36:40

But if you’ve never met them before, and you meet them at the speakeasy, it’s kind of like me meeting them at a strip club. You’re like, it’s really dark. I have no idea what you actually look. But


Mallory Gordon  36:47

it’s also not loud, though. And you’re not so dark that you can’t necessarily see them. I guess it depends on the event, but I wouldn’t take them off the table for first aid. It really depends on the place. Maybe you need to go scope it out first.


Mickey Gordon  36:57

This one’s a little dangerous. trivia night at a bar.


Mallory Gordon  37:00

That’s not a good first date. I don’t think so. I think it’s a great date, but they have to know me. I’m fucking competitive. I don’t I don’t think they need to see that side of me right away.


Mickey Gordon  37:11

So I think if you’re hyper competitive, or if you’re just like, Look, I know I’m stupid. Don’t take me to trivia night because I don’t give a shit. What color flag are on Francis flat.


Mallory Gordon  37:22

I was gonna say if it’s as to do with music, I’m totally in 80s 90s like pop culture. I’m told geography your fun. I am fucked. I can’t leave my house without Google Maps are bad. Oh, what were we talking about the other day for me? San Diego. Yeah, if you said Cameroon, and I said is that in Turkey?


Mickey Gordon  37:45

Yeah, you did say that you asked me to Cameroon was in Turkey. And I’m like, let me be a cookie. They eat in Turkey. But no, it’s in fucking Africa.


Mallory Gordon  37:54

such an idiot. For my birthday, you need to buy me a globe. So I can look at it every day.


Mickey Gordon  38:02

I was I was entertained, though, is pretty good. You know. So I’m gonna, I think the next one is right up your alley.


Mallory Gordon  38:08

And I want I’ve been wanting to do this for so long. And we meant to do it with Derek and Jess, when they’re here. This is fucking happening. I want to do something dancing related. And it just so happens we live, you know, in a quote unquote, like country atmosphere. So there’s line dancing lessons around here. I like dance with my grandmother as a kid. I can’t say that it’s necessarily sexy. But I think it would be fun and fun and laughter is sexy. Or a ballroom dance class or really any Dance Lesson ask I think would be a good time. I’m looking at you and you look like I’m speaking another language. I


Mickey Gordon  38:44

still think that anything that requires me to show my complete lack of any sort of, I don’t know coordination is just not going to be good because these women are gonna look at me and go Jesus. He’s got two left feet. The top moves one direction the bottom gives another I’m not fucking him. He’s not going to be able to do the horizontal hula.


Mallory Gordon  39:05

I think you’re wrong. I think it’ll be charming. I think you’re better at it than you’re giving yourself credit for


Mickey Gordon  39:12

a pogo stick and I’ll just do that to the music. that’ll look. You can snap your fingers or clap your hands you can dance. I can’t do either. I literally looked like the white guy from hitch it’s not good. me dancing always bad. You know what I’d rather do. I’d rather rent a boat and have a late day drink some beer and get fucked up.


Mallory Gordon  39:34

I actually think the lake days are good now renting the boat could be a little pricey depending on what it is and where it is. And maybe you know someone actually in the group has a boat. I think that would be a great adventure. Yeah. So


Mickey Gordon  39:43

that See that? That’s the ticket here. Folks. If you want to be a great swinger, buy a boat.


Mallory Gordon  39:49

Yeah, I just started talking to a single guy and he’s got a pool and a vote. The first thing I said is, oh my god, we’re gonna have so much fun. So essentially, I’ve invited myself over to his house to use Both his pool and his boat. He doesn’t know yet.


Mickey Gordon  40:03

Well, I’m sure he did. I’m sure he showed you like it that he had a pool in a boat, because he didn’t want you to come over and use it. I think he wants me to come over naked. I’d say Oh yeah. And then you won’t even get out to the pool. That’s what he’s after. Okay, we know what is my favorite but I


Mallory Gordon  40:18

mean, Lake day. So we live in Central Florida, we have a lot of like the chain of lakes, several chains of lakes that aren’t too far from us. And you can actually go to a park or a beach and spend the day at the lake. It’s probably not the sexiest date to transition to sex. But it does afford you an opportunity to get to know each other maybe have a picnic. Maybe there’s, there’s I’ve heard there’s a nude beach on one of the lakes out here. I have


Mickey Gordon  40:42

yet to find out where the island or something I heard someone towards an island full of monkeys too. And that’s actually real. So apparently a bunch of monkeys escaped on this island and they created a colony and there’s a whole island full of fucking monkeys is it


Mallory Gordon  40:57

actually just a bunch of swingers that have like decided that that’s our compound.


Mickey Gordon  41:01

Maybe they grew body hair. Maybe that’s what happened. But there is an island full of monkeys. Now you know a thing folks about Central Florida.


Mallory Gordon  41:07

Well, and speaking of we also have a lot of springs down here. So kayaking, canoeing, like anything water related in Florida specifically is really convenient to do because you have you know,


Mickey Gordon  41:17

access fits within each day to right, because that way, everybody’s kind of in their swimsuits. And you get to show off a little bit.


Mallory Gordon  41:25

Yeah, you kind of get the preview because pictures are one thing but being like real life and being a little more scantily clad like that, for me, that’s wonderful. Because then I get, you know, the actual preview before the clothes come off, especially if it’s like a first date opportunity there. And for me, that’s great foreplay to you can take the ladies for a while. Yeah, and I’ve been, you know, so bold as to request like maybe a first date be the nude beach, because we’re not far from a naked beach.



Sure. So Alright,


Mickey Gordon  41:53

so just because we’re going to run out of time here before too long, I’m going to kind of fast forward to one of our favorite swinger dates that we’ve ever done. We did this with Derek and Jess, who are from Iowa. You guys know who they are. We’re really sorry to be talking about fucking Iowa again, but this is a really I think these are the only people we have sex with. I think that’s what they do think. But it’s not true. But we had these guys come out to visit us here in Orlando. And we planned an evening with them that we called assholes fashion show.


Mallory Gordon  42:27

Yes, and this is a great event. And it’s definitely more comfortable if you know each other. But if you really want to up the ante and like for someone to really come into the show, I think it’s a great opportunity. I don’t know if it’s a good first day I yeah, you know, unless you really got some longer that bold. If you’re that bold, by all means go for it. So essentially what you do is you go in with a budget, you know, we started at 20 when we first did this one, I think we did 25 this last round, I think we actually needed 30 we did per person. So I show up with 30 you have 30 the other couple has 30 so it’s not the cheapest state per se but it’s still a lot of fucking fun. Oh, it’s hilarious. You go to a thrift store goodwill Salvation Army, wherever, wherever you have an immense amount of apparel. You draw names at random. The person’s name you draw, you’re responsible to dress for the evening. You stay in budget, and everyone has to wear their outfit the entire evening like it’s fucking normal.


Mickey Gordon  43:23

It’s perfectly normal. perfectly normal. Nothing is wrong. I realized that I’m dressed in a bra and a grandmother sweat pants, but it’s fine.


Mallory Gordon  43:31

Yeah, I had like lounge pants and an 80s style like Bolero jacket. It was not cute.



you ingest looked? We reasonably normal. We looked like you’ll get your Golden Girls episode. Well, I was gonna say Do you remember? What was that nine to five with Dolly Parton. And what’s her face? No. I’m not old enough to


Mallory Gordon  43:52

Lily Tomlin. Fuck you. Yes, you do you know exactly what I’m talking about. All we needed was really teased hair and we look like we were the sequel to that. Yeah, Derek is a Pokemon trainer. Did he? Well, he look like a Pokemon trainer that was giving the color commentary on like the masters were you because you’re sending a bright green giant fucking green LL Bean jacket. I have no idea how you found that there. But anyway, it was it was amazing. Now we did pair that with a game terms conditions, which was outstanding, which talked about that. Yeah, we’ll talk about it another time. But I think that was an awesome for that awesome date over. It was an amazing date. And it was hilarious. Yeah, it was a lot of fun. And yeah, everyone we ran into that had questions. They were very entertained as well.


Mickey Gordon  44:32

So let’s talk about a couple of fails before we dip out for the segment today. The fails are kind of important because these are dates that just didn’t work right. But keep in mind we’re talking about for us and we’re casual. We go on dates to get to know the other couple better than we would if we just went to play. This isn’t going to apply if you just want to see them dress sexy before you go somewhere to fuck and that’s cool if that’s what you do.


Mallory Gordon  44:55

Yeah, absolutely. If you’re if you’re looking for more conversation and connection, we would eliminate these formula


Mickey Gordon  45:00

Yeah, so zero out of 10 would not recommend first one on our list for bad swinger date is strip clubs 100%.


Mallory Gordon  45:06

And they’re done that we live very close to West Virginia, and they are nude as the day is long and serve alcohol and there’s hundreds of them. So at first glance, you’re like, this is a great fucking idea. It’s It’s sexy time. But what we noticed his every time we went, it was just seeing the girls was fun. Being there was fun, but like, I didn’t feel sexy.


Mickey Gordon  45:27

No, you’re focused on them, not on each other. And it’s loud as shit. You can’t hear each other. They


Mallory Gordon  45:32

always try to talk to you and you end up yelling, yes. And I don’t like yelling, yelling actually sets off my fight or flight instinct. No,


Mickey Gordon  45:40

I don’t like that. So it’s loud. It’s dark. And I’m gonna tell you something else about strip clubs, folks. Dancers don’t like when you’re not paying attention to them. Yes. So they’re there to make money, right? So if you’re turned around, and you if you’re the center of attention, if you’re the girls, let’s say that the two girls of the two couples are kissing and hanging out and being sexy and sitting in each other’s labs and touching each other playing with each other’s heads. And now all the customers are looking at you guys. You’re actually taking attention away from the dancers. It’s a bad thing. It’s actually a bad form. It’s not good strip club form. Yes, not good for them. It’s not good for you go somewhere else for your swinger date. Yeah,


Mallory Gordon  46:19

it’s a huge football for another girl to dance in a strip club unless you’re being asked to encouraged by the strippers themselves.


Mickey Gordon  46:25

100 fucking percent. That is a bad one.


Mallory Gordon  46:28

Another one’s concerts. Yeah, this one. This is probably an us thing. We’ve done 100 hundreds of concerts where we’ve had swingers there with us. Yes. And we’ve had a great time, at an amazing time. But I think only once has a transition to sex, or had the intention of sex transitioning? Well, we’ve


Mickey Gordon  46:45

done so many big tailgate events. We’ve done part, you know, ones where we’ve had people come and join vanillas. We’ve had vanilla and swingers in the same place. We’ve taken swingers to concerts, wire concerts bad because they’re loud, and they’re slam as full of vanillas. Yeah, that’s true. It’s just not necessarily the best place to have a swinger date. But that said, Here’s another one. Speaking of loud sporting events,


Mallory Gordon  47:10

yeah, go into like football games and stuff. That’s hard. Again, we’ve done it, but it’s just our races. Yeah. Actually, both times they actually not. We’ve been more than twice I want to say five or six times. Yeah. Now that I’m thinking about an every fucking time we’ve been there with a couple. And they’ve argued, again, is this an us thing? or whatever? Because it’s between like the stress of the traffic that’s associated with it. Whether your team is won or lost the distance to get there the expense? Like there’s a lot of different complications that can arise warning


Mickey Gordon  47:42

events make couples fight? I think so. I think so again, loud. And by the way, you can’t look at each other you sit in a row. So you will sit so you can see what’s going on. Not each of you can


Mallory Gordon  47:53

only speak to the person to your left and right Same thing with a concert. Yeah, you can’t speak as a group. So


Mickey Gordon  47:58

unless you’re on the one and then you’re being an asshole because your turn around talking to each other and not paying attention to the artist who’s there to entertain, which I’ve started to fight people over before. Yes, you did try to kill a couple prostitutes at the House of Blues.


Mallory Gordon  48:08

I was there anyway, it’s not my proudest moment, but I don’t also regret it. So


Mickey Gordon  48:12

speaking of they’re just like strip clubs or bad swinger


Mallory Gordon  48:14

clubs. And I know we’re gonna fucking get hosed for this one. But for deeds, I think swinger clubs aren’t too challenging for me. Unless we’re going with the intention of fucking and we’ve already established that, then fine, but to get to know someone to bring like the sexy on beyond sin, most of the clubs are way too fucking loud. They don’t have very few have an area where you can sit and hear each other.


Mickey Gordon  48:40

Yeah, for a while secrets was good about that, because you could at least leave the club and go outside. Yeah. But you know, I think a lot of clubs, especially if they’re self contained, they’re just so goddamn loud. number one. Number two, you know, what if you don’t want to have the expectation that it’s going to lead to play if you’re at a swingers club, you want to leave it open ended? Yeah. It’s like, okay, and like, Okay, well, maybe there’s a lull in the conversation, because, hey, you guys want to go downstairs?


Mallory Gordon  49:06

Well, it also comes to mind like, unless you’re already a member there, that could be a very expensive date, because most swinger clubs require you to purchase a membership of some degree. That’s a good point. And it could be costly. Yeah, so it didn’t matter to drop $300 Yeah, that’s definitely consideration to make another one that I’ve been wanting to do but I think it actually goes on this list is an escape from because it’s a very high pressure environment to potentially be in and I think it could reveal You know, this you know, essential barometer whether or not they have a healthy relationship.


Mickey Gordon  49:40

Yeah, I was gonna say if you want to watch people fight take them to,


Mallory Gordon  49:42

I think it may be very trouble a if you’re a swinger and you’ve been on a first date, that was an escape room and it went well, please let us know.



Yeah, right. Tell me why. Maybe.


Mickey Gordon  49:51

Here’s the thing, like on its face, escape rooms could be great for swingers because we’re all fairly solid communicators. Yeah. However, it’s just a Really quick place for things to go left. So escape rooms to me, could be really good or really bad. But I’ve just I’ve seen co workers get in fights I’ve seen you know, people who love each other getting fights and escape rooms. They just there’s there’s a lot of downside. Well, I’ll match the


Mallory Gordon  50:17

upside. Also me being very competitive. I don’t want to come across as an asshole.


Mickey Gordon  50:22

Mm hmm. That’s true. Especially when you’re yelling at me. Tell me I’m an idiot.


Mallory Gordon  50:25

I got a question for you. Because we I found that we have one nearby. What about a drive in movie? Drive in movies are cool. Do you think that would be a good or a bad day?


Mickey Gordon  50:36

Well, I think it’s a bad date. Because again, you’re there to be entertained. So let’s say one person is really into the movie and the other three are like me, I’d rather talk to you guys. So not three people are talking while one person is trying to watch the movie.


Mallory Gordon  50:47

See, I get all nostalgic because I really want to make out and get felt up.


Mickey Gordon  50:52

So you don’t get fucked. You don’t want to go to watch them. I want to go to foreplay. Okay, so maybe but you have to pick a movie. Nobody gives a shit about Okay, and again, that’s a family friendly place. You got to pick a spot. That’s true. Maybe it does why we said no family friendly. Right? No Chucky cheese? Probably not Dave and Busters. Oh, gross. Who would go to Chucky cheese. Some fucked up people who love skee ball a lot. Hi. She just said hi. That’s pretty funny. How about you know, and as we can wrap this up anywhere, that’s super expensive. It’s probably a bad swinger D for the same reasons we talked about earlier. Yeah. You know, just you know, not everybody’s going to be willing to drop five or 600 bucks on a date night. Well,


Mallory Gordon  51:33

let’s be honest, that should adds up and 500 a week, like even for us, like a special occasion date night. I cringe when we get up into that price point. Like, that’s just it’s a lot of fucking money. You have to play it conservatively, especially if you’re out there dating on a frequent basis. And I think you’re right. Not everyone’s comfortable with, you know, comfortable with that. So anyway, I digress. But one last point before we move on to the segment. Sure. We feel like we need to put like this out there. As a PSA, when you’re considering traveling with a swinger couple. Please, please, please, I beg of you use caution. We have seen this happen to us a few times where it’s changed our perspective on the relationship we have with them based on that. So


Mickey Gordon  52:19

God, yes, it’s terrifying, frankly. I mean, you get with a couple. Let’s say it’s a road trip, and it’s a few hours away. And you’re like, Okay, you guys drive and you climb in the car with somebody that you don’t know that well. And you find out they have horrible road rage.


Mallory Gordon  52:33

Yeah. been there done that very, it reveals some very uncomfortable, potentially uncomfortable situations and personality traits that you’re just not prepared for that early on. You’re stuck


Mickey Gordon  52:43

in your hours from home and you got to ride back with that motherfucker who has tried to kill everyone in the car three times in the last four hours? Yeah, yeah. It’s it can be very, very uncomfortable. So when traveling with people, you know, look at the situation and what the potential situations could be before you find yourself in a situation that you regret being an Amen, brother. So some good dates, some bad dates. All the dates are fun. And whatever you do, keep swinging. Right? Don’t stop just because it’s difficult, because your style and their style have to match and honestly, if your styles match any of these dates are a good day. Yeah.


Mallory Gordon  53:17

And they at a minimum they have to be complimentary. Yeah, yeah.


Mickey Gordon  53:21

I mean, if everybody’s having fun, it doesn’t matter what you’re doing give me playing Monopoly, which I will not do because I can’t do fucking long.


Mallory Gordon  53:27

I think strip monopoly is on the table, though. All right. Well, look, I


Mickey Gordon  53:31

always knew you would do it for money I just didn’t know was play money. Hey, hey, everybody’s got to pray. This happens. I will ask naked across the board if you make it rain. Hey, baby. All right, you want to tell everybody where to find us one last time we’ll come back swinging in the news. Sure. We’re


Mallory Gordon  53:46

casual swinger everywhere. You can find us on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Instagram. So this message at podcast at casual swing calm and you want to find our website. It’s casual swing calm. We are on the dating sites if you want to get to know us just a little bit better. That is double diggnation STC SLS and Cassie


Mickey Gordon  54:03

there it is, folks. We’ll be right back swinging in the news. We’ve been listening. Casual swinging. Welcome back to Kansas where I am. You are and I am Mickey.


Mallory Gordon  54:36

I say that right. I think I got tongue callery anyway, sexy of you. Oh, maybe. Anyway, so well, we haven’t done the segment and while we’re gonna cover swinging in the news, and I love it. It’s like breaking news.


Mickey Gordon  54:54

Yeah, right. It’s not really breaking this news is like, almost two months old.


Mallory Gordon  54:58

Yeah, but we found hadn’t had an opportunity to talk about it and I actually love this and I’m very interested to get your opinion on it being you know, you have a journalist background. Yeah. So let’s let’s tell our listeners about what’s her name Louise fish. Her


Mickey Gordon  55:12

name is Louise Fisher. She is a Danish journalist who decided to go check out the reopening of a swingers club in Copenhagen. And I’m sure I’m pronouncing Copenhagen wrong. If you’re Danish, you probably pronounce it slightly differently. But she went to a club in Copenhagen instead of just talking about what the club was purported to be. She found out for herself. So she had sex. She had the sex at the swinger club for the story and recorded it. Jesus. Yeah. And I mean, there’s audio But yeah, I mean, extensively. It was for the story, but she’s single, I was gonna say she’s swinger. No, she’d never done any of this before. She went there to cover the reopening and, and maybe you know, how they were handling COVID and reopening all of that. And it became something that she said, Alright, I’m gonna try this. I’m single. There’s hot guys here who want me? And I’m a little horny, why not?


Mallory Gordon  56:06

So as her follow up article on SDA is


Mickey Gordon  56:10

just curious. She doesn’t want to try that. Avoid that if she can. But sorry, you know, here’s the thing. This happened a couple of months ago, and it dominated the headlines. I mean, it was on Amazon fucking Fox News. It was on everything. It was an every major outlet. Why? Why was it on every major vanilla news outlet in the world? Who gives a shit that a Danish woman who happens to be a journalist went to a swingers club and recorded it.


Mallory Gordon  56:34

So you told me that night I googled that a little bit to kind of see what like other people’s reactions to it were and it’s almost like they were bastardizing her for embedding herself in it right? Did you read it the same way? And you gave some great examples?


Mickey Gordon  56:48

Well, and here’s the thing. So a lot and a lot of these I read it on probably 20 different outlets. And you know, a lot of these outlets will let you comment, which really invites trolls to open their mouths and talk about shit, they have no right talking about. But in this case, people were commenting, and kind of bastardizing her for trying to get famous, or trying to get attention for herself by having sex as part of her story that they’re totally comfortable with influencers as a profession, totally comfortable than Okay, comfortable with all of the left wing journalists coming out lately and saying the journalism is no longer fair and balanced and unbiased. It hasn’t it don’t have to be anymore. It hasn’t been that way since the 80s, which I think is really a shift. Personally, as a journalist, I think you guys have fucking failed and deserve to have your credentials taken away. But that said, Why is it wrong for a journalist to go the extra mile to get a story? Why is it okay for journalists to embed themselves in a military unit and tell the story appeal of people being killed? Why is it okay for journalists to be among rioters and protesters shouting alongside them as they tell the story? What that’s not okay. for her to experience a swingers club with their own eyes her own words her own feelings her own body? Why is the rest of that okay, because sex


Mallory Gordon  58:01

I was gonna say there has to cut the only thing I can could have thought of was the fact that it was sex forward.


Mickey Gordon  58:07

Yeah. Because sex because sex even in Denmark is taboo enough to make worldwide news. It’s not okay for her to actually be a part of the story now in journalism school are the crazy she recorded the audio though. It is crazy. And when again, release tell us is don’t be the story. Yeah, tell the story. Yeah. Right. And what’s we’re supposed to do, but she told the story from her own eyes with her own body. And the audio. I think, you know, the audio was really cool. Because she actually asked the guy while he was fucking her. What did he see? Yeah, I was reading the Yeah. And she said, what a delicious woman should I see a delicious woman? Okay, that’s hot. Yeah.


Mallory Gordon  58:49

But like in the commentary, and I’m sure you’re gonna put this in the show. Show Notes. They said the X ray segment focused on the reopening of the swingers club. Right? So X rated right? Yes. Because you could hear like the body slapping in the audio


Mickey Gordon  59:02

was such they must have been in one crowded asked group room if they were hearing multiple bodies going at it. I mean, it’s hard to see where they were what they were experiencing. We’ve never been to this club in Denmark. My issue with it. And the reason why I felt it was worth us covering is because we still no matter where you are in this world, journalists can do one thing, and it doesn’t apply to sex. Right? And as people, we can do so many things that are perfectly okay until it applies to sex and then it’s not okay. I don’t fucking get it. It doesn’t make any sense to me. And I don’t think it’s all right. Because,


Mallory Gordon  59:37

you know, the the world as a whole is still uncomfortable with it. You know, and sex is not supposed to be talked about. It’s so critical and our health as a whole. When I think about it, like a I don’t know, I I’m befuddled by a lot of things that happen but I love I’m still reading some of the comments. Yeah, it’s like The quotes, and she was saying like, obviously because she didn’t have a boyfriend has made it a lot easier. If I’m sitting here wondering, Well, yeah, I’m having a boyfriend would complicate the fuck out of that, wouldn’t it for you? Well,


Mickey Gordon  1:00:12

she just have to take him with her. Yeah, now they’ve got some communication issues. I gotta get this case she’s single. Fuck go fuck the


Mallory Gordon  1:00:18

other quote in here. verbatim says my mother just thinks it’s funny and laughs My father thought it was really cool when she was explaining because someone had the fucking gall to be like, well, what are your mother and father think of this? Like she has to report for her behavior up to a higher power? Not just you know, religion, but her parents,


Mickey Gordon  1:00:37

right? How dare you have sex your parents would be so ashamed that you did the same thing that got you here in the first place. Right? How could you? I don’t know. You know, I have to be careful with the swinging in the new segments because it really kind of quickly turns into what grinds Mickey’s gears, you know, what grinds my gears? Like? It’s it really is what they turn into. And I don’t know, how to express how I feel about some of these subjects without really injecting myself into it. And as a journalist, I do see what they’re doing. And it’s not okay, as a sex positive person. It’s not okay, so it’s not okay with either side of me. Yeah, that’s fair. And I do think that we can be better and we can do better. And if we’re going to comment on this stuff, maybe it’s important for us as sex positive people to comment positively to counteract what these trolls and these people do to make people feel like their sex positivity is not okay, maybe that’s what it’s going to take. I think I have to agree with you. And that’s all folks. I’m done. That’s all I got to say about that. Oh, well, I think that’s all the time we have today. That is pretty much it. It’s been an hour on swinger dates. 51st dates fucked up. Things happen in Denmark and Well, actually, it was really cool Denmark, the rest of the world made it fucked up. Yeah, right.


Mallory Gordon  1:01:56

I guess I can ask everyone to wish me luck with my sweaty summer in my new tickets now.


Mickey Gordon  1:02:00

Yeah, wish are some luck though. Some love folks. We’re gonna have another episode coming your way just before her surgery, so don’t worry, we’ll keep you updated on how everything goes. And our next episode, we’re gonna come back we’re gonna learn you a little bit on casual swing, and we’re gonna talk about lubricant. All the sticky stuff, and we know some things I want to say by that I love it. Ladies and gentlemen, this has been fun. You’ve been listening