I would do *anything* for love…but I won’t do that…(Playstyle Dynamics)

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SE03E20 – Playstyle Dynamics_mixdown

Fri, 8/27 5:28PM • 1:09:24


people, casual, play, couple, swinger, dynamic, toys, feel, doxy, fucking, person, head, playstyle, hear, mallory, girl, shit, dating sites, folks, conversation


Mickey Gordon, Mallory Gordon


Mallory Gordon  00:02

You’re listening to the casual swinger podcast as your hosts, we need to warn you that the material you’re about to hear may be sexual or explicit in nature. This podcast is intended for an adult audience. Now we don’t expect you to act like adults. What’s the fun in that?


Mickey Gordon  00:16

We’re a married couple living in Florida with over 13 years of experience in the lifestyle and we take almost nothing seriously. Casual swingers a variety show meaning we’ll cover everything from music to events, travel, and even the occasional hilarious screw up. Our show is about entertainment. We’re not licensed professionals had anything and our stories, commentary and guidance should not be confused with the opinions of a licensed professional.


Mallory Gordon  00:41

Now that you know, let’s take those pants off and get comfy. Hey, everybody, welcome back to casual swinger. I’m Mallory casual swinger. And what is that? I don’t know that used to podcast all the time, and they just fell face there. Just went out and got busy with life and went away. Yeah, I guess so. I suppose today, the role of Mickey will be played by yours truly. Excellent. Thank you for joining me. I heard he has a giant penis. I don’t have one of those. We’re just going to have to pretend logical fallacy. Oh, fallacy fallacy did you did was this? Yeah. All right. I see. We did.


Mickey Gordon  01:21

All right. All phalluses all the time. And fabulous Queen of Central Florida. Everybody. This is Mallory. Take a Palooza so what in the hell have we been doing for the last six weeks? that we haven’t been doing a podcast?


Mallory Gordon  01:37

Um, flyff. Work? Family Mickey got a new job. Yeah, you got a new job that definitely is kept us away. But you have been, you know, nose to the grindstone. Literally,


Mickey Gordon  01:48

I really every day trying to learn a new thing. And honestly keep casual toys rolling. And because that, you know, when you guys spend money with us, that’s a priority for us. And unfortunately, between the new job and casual toys, it’s kind of made it so I need to focus on that stuff. But yeah,


Mallory Gordon  02:03

I did think about doing an episode by myself. But answering myself makes me sound like an insane person. So


Mickey Gordon  02:09

I’m kind of thinking everyone would love it if you did an episode without me. So they didn’t have to hear my voice for a while. Yeah, but that’s like one long monologue. Oh, but it’s a good one you could be like, and this is how I masturbate.


Mallory Gordon  02:19

Okay, I mean, that’s that’s in play for late next episode. Right? Well, I think the last episode, but like we’re gonna be on time next time. Don’t worry, guys. He said that last three episodes. I think they’ve just surmised that we don’t keep our word.


Mickey Gordon  02:31

Okay, we are full of shit. But in the next episode, Mallory’s gonna whack it. Okay, if it. Yeah, sure. Why not? If that makes people tune back in you’ll just slap your been around on the shirt. YOLO can even see no one says that anymore. Do they? I think that was a very 2000s thing. You just said it was very such. Oh, you see, I’m cool. I use words like SAS in a sentence.


Mallory Gordon  02:52

Yeah. No, no. I mean, it’s I know what it means. It just doesn’t sound right coming out of your mouth. Oh,


Mickey Gordon  02:59

we have done a bunch of other shit. Right. So I think everything kind of led up we more or less accidentally took the month off leading up to peak app. And peak app is podcaster Palooza for those of you guys that live in Iraq, don’t listen, any of the shows, don’t listen to the other 11 content creators that were down there. It was a lot of fun, we would have to sound out with a bunch of cool last weekend people.


Mallory Gordon  03:19

I ton of cool ass people, it was so great to be in that type of environment. And he did such a good job of curating a place for people to have, you know, the world is their oyster to create their own adventure, essentially.


Mickey Gordon  03:34

And it was it was a journey for everybody that came whether it was a journey to go meet creators or a journey to learn something new or a journey to hang up by the beach and get fucked up because you’ve been stuck home with COVID for the last 18 months. Yeah,


Mallory Gordon  03:44

the theme night, see the events everything was just absolutely wonderful. And I enjoyed meeting so many people that we’d connect with, especially during COVID and quarantine, that we actually got to meet in person. That’s fantastic. Oh, I’m just gonna say it. Honey spoon. Oh, wow. Wow. No one’s surprised by that. You and every other person there. Yeah, get in line. Yeah. Honey spoon.





Mickey Gordon  04:14

By the way, who is one of our casual ambassadors for that? Yeah, it’s I met her and her amazing husband. And it was just like, Wow, you guys are awesome.


Mallory Gordon  04:23

Yeah, we had all three of our ambassadors there. Yeah, we had Miss alleycat. Oh, yeah. And Pepe pineapple and Pepe pineapple. So it was awesome. Yeah, one of my highlights and I’m just gonna go ahead and throw this in there since we’re talking about them anyways, is when Pepe and honey spoon showed up to our table with a wet t shirts because I’d mentioned earlier in the day that there was a girl wearing a white t shirt. And it was wet and there’s maybe it’s like the late 80s, early 90s stuck in me but there’s just something so hot about a girl and a wet white t shirt to me.


Mickey Gordon  04:57

Yeah, that’s right. For those of you out there that were born in the wrong generation. Just go ahead and Google Tawny kitane


Mallory Gordon  05:02

Yeah, yeah, it was, it was so hot and I was so touched like, I was awkward and speechless.


Mickey Gordon  05:08

Oh, yeah, it was, it was crazy. I mean, it’s I don’t lust for honey spoon for no reason whatsoever. She was hotter. No. And they were both wearing casual swinger t shirts. Yeah, they were just really frickin off. Again, totally touch. I think we would have probably talked about this earlier. And honestly, we really I know you guys that listen to us regularly know that we don’t really do event recap episodes very often. So we’re really not going to do that. Because my guess is you’re gonna get 11 or 12 of these from all the different contracts down there. But it you know, it was crazy. We were gonna have them talk about it because we met so many cool people. I definitely caught a cold because I’ve been stuck in the house for 18 months and didn’t go out and do anything. So it wasn’t COVID or anything, but I couldn’t talk for a week.


Mallory Gordon  05:46

Yeah, no, I think you then pass it on to me. I sound like I can swap spit. I’m a sound a little hoarse. That’s not a pony. You caught it from my penis. Yes, I did. It was great. Yeah, we had lots of dirty sex with ourselves.


Mickey Gordon  05:59

We really did. Like we didn’t sleep with anybody. I tell you what, we went to podcaster Palooza and came back and everybody that was there probably thinks that we’re like complete frauds. They were like, nope, they don’t swing. We never saw them. Never saw us in the play rooms because we never went.


Mallory Gordon  06:12

Yeah, no, we were just so busy. I don’t know socializing that we forgot that we’re swinger.


Mickey Gordon  06:19

Yeah, we’re here to meet people. And we didn’t do that. Not at all. Let’s be honest, we rarely do that at events anyway. It’s not really our style. We’re kind of casual. But that’s okay. It’s not like a mad about it or anything. And you know, we did our session, which for those of you that did not go to podcaster Palooza, the folks that did go and came to our session on Sunday afternoon, were I don’t want to see treated too, because I think we might have punished them a little. But we we fucked with them, essentially,


Mallory Gordon  06:45

cuz you made them laugh till they were crying. Somebody vomited. And then I was the fucking party pooper. I brought everyone down like 10 notches.


Mickey Gordon  06:55

Well, but that was the journey we went through. We did on purpose. I mean, we had a period in our lives that we’ve never talked about in the show, and we’re not going to that was about six months long, where we had the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. So we took the crowd through that in 45 minutes by taking them very, very high. And then bringing them very, very low. With the rest of the story.


Mallory Gordon  07:14

Yeah. And they forgave us. We got a lot of great feedback. Actually, most of that Sunday evening, we spent discussing some of that. And what I was really surprised by and really touched by, is there people that had stories that touched on or were similar to what we had discussed. And that almost makes me feel better about because I mean, I was still in shock. just telling that to the world because I’d never spoken out loud to anyone outside of us. Sure. We’ve kept it fairly quiet. Yeah, show that. Yeah. I was surprised at how, you know, raw, I still felt after talking about it. It was cathartic. Who are you telling? Yeah, I know. I know. I know. But it felt a little better knowing I’m not alone in there now alone, if that makes sense. Like we bonded a little bit over that.


Mickey Gordon  08:03

I kind of feel that and I feel that for a couple of reasons. Because standing up there and participating in the story with you listening to you tell your story. And lock from The Suite Life actually put it really succinctly. He said that we stood in front of a roomful of people in late our truth on the table. Very much so. And that was, by the way, it was that dude is awesome. I’ll get into that in a second. But it just, I mean, really. It was tough. And I didn’t realize how tough it was gonna be till I heard you doing it. And I’ve been a public speaker. For basically it’s all of your library. Yeah. And I don’t break up. I don’t screw up. I just don’t know. And yeah,


Mallory Gordon  08:44

you kind of broke character and started to get a little emotional. I did. I said out loud. If you if you do it, I’m gonna do it. And we’ll never get through this.


Mickey Gordon  08:51

This will never be over here the rest of the day. Yeah. So it was it was really kind of epic, to get that opportunity to share that story with those people and the lessons that we learned. And the biggest thing out of it that I got was closure. I feel like we’re finally moved on. You


Mallory Gordon  09:08

know, I was a little surprised to hear you say that, but also very grateful that that was a takeaway from you. Yeah, I was terrified in the hours leading up to it. I had conversations with you that I was really scared that I had started to make these friendships and connections while we were there. And then I’m gonna go in and paint myself as a villain to these people. And that is somewhere I’d be shunned or, or, you know, got the rotten tomatoes.


Mickey Gordon  09:36

I don’t think anybody was going to do that. But we definitely, you know, painted ourselves is not the heroes of the story,


Mallory Gordon  09:42

which is something we don’t tend to do as human beings. No, you know, we tend to like, put that stuff under the rug. And what actually happened for me is after you had finished your portion, and I started telling mine, I almost felt a little more at ease. I felt like I was among friends. And that was It was a safe space to do this. It was very strange, but wonderful.


Mickey Gordon  10:04

I kind of felt like they were all on that journey with us at that point. I think they were invested. They’re like, fuck it. We’re in it now. It’s like being on a roller coaster and you got to the top was like, Well, here we go. Buy in for a diamond for $1. Right, pitter patter. Let’s get out here. But I’ll talk about your Letterkenny obsession here later. But you know, I do think that one of the coolest things that came out of that was casual swinger. Because three months after all of that happened, yeah, casual swinger was born and that’s the thing that the people learned a pee cap. Is it casual swinger wasn’t born out of pride. It wasn’t born out of all the cool shit we know about the lifestyle. It wasn’t born out of us being experts. It was born out of humility.


Mallory Gordon  10:47

That is very true. I think it’s not something we’ve ever really said out loud.


Mickey Gordon  10:53

So I really felt like that was cool, but alright, on from that sappy rough shit. Thank you for everybody that came down to podcaster Palooza and took part in it with us and went on that emotional journey with us. But we did get to spend some time with some of the most amazing content creators in this business.


Mallory Gordon  11:08

Amen. Do you want to give like a few like bullet point like highlights and then we’ll move on? Oh, yeah. We got to do some shout outs.


Mickey Gordon  11:14

Everybody knows that. I have a man crush on Jay from average trainers. He is one of my favorite human beings on the face of this planet. He’s amazing. And oh my god, it looks so good. And his main Kini. You know, and I am being genuinely honest, when it says I know he and I fuck with each other on the air all the time. But there are very few people in this world that I personally call for advice. And he’s one of them. And that should tell you who he is. He’s that good of a human being. He’s that brilliant, emotionally speaking. Intellectually speaking, he’s a turd but emotionally he’s just you know, he’s amazing. But how about how about locking triste? From the sweet life?


Mallory Gordon  11:56

They were well, she’s hot. Oh my god. So when he walked into the room, I was like, Oh my god, they’re fucking high. Well, I’m at lock. Wow.


Mickey Gordon  12:04

And he’s like, my wife will be here. later on. I’m like, that’s cool. I get it. She just trolled you out here. You know? And then you know, maybe she’ll show up later. Maybe she doesn’t exist. And then next thing I know this smokin hot girl with hair a cooler color than mine is like, oh, by the way. I’m that girl he told you about.


Mallory Gordon  12:20

Oh, yeah, she looked like I’m fucking million dollars. Jesus. Holy crap. Rice that girl smoking. I was trying to play cool. No, I wasn’t cool. I stumbled on my single syllable words. Smile. Don’t say anything stupid. Like, Hi, my name is bbbbbb Nikki. What am I Oh my god. Bummer bell. Oh, another one. I loved hanging out with those guys. They’re amazing. as advertised, but even more so they’re so charismatic in person and so full of life. And like, I fucking love their smiles and I didn’t want to be a creeper. But like, if I saw them, I made sure like I wiggled my way into their little orbit so that we could at least have some conversation and hang out. Yeah, I really want to dance with bomber which I?


Mickey Gordon  13:03

Yeah, you know, I don’t go on the dance. No, you know? No, no, he definitely don’t I just hang out on the outside. But you know, we also got to meet some other great folks. The folks from naughty Jim. We got to meet the foot from swinging outside the lines. Yeah, chance to meet them before. And I know I’m gonna forget somebody. I think we pretty much had met everyone else other than those four. But I think you know, Locke made a huge impression on me because he went out of his way to come over and introduce himself to me and tell me who they are. And I’ve listened to their stuff, but I just never really got a chance to look them in the eye and shake his hand. And he took that opportunity which says so much to me, and I really appreciate it It definitely what bomber bomber is a great dude.


Mallory Gordon  13:41

Oh my gosh, this sounds amazing. I think we definitely got the fields. I do I get it feels now you guys got a case? Yeah, got a case of the fields.


Mickey Gordon  13:48

Definitely. And the last one that you know, I am a sepia sexual for those of you that don’t know and every sense of the word, right? When somebody really can engage with me intellectually look me in the eye and sit down and have a conversation about something that we might even disagree, and it’s okay. I like disagreeing with smart people because we’re not gonna insult each other. We’re not gonna call each other names. We’re gonna dig in. And that’s exactly what I got to do with the beautiful Kate, from monogamous marriage.


Mallory Gordon  14:15

That is true. And we actually got to spend some time with her significant other as well. Liam. Yeah, yeah, it was the next day. Yeah, we got both. Like we got the both It was so good. And here I’m wondering if you’re gonna want run over like superlatives before you got to them.


Mickey Gordon  14:33

I can’t say enough about them. Everyone knows she’s hot because her pictures are fire. But it’s they’re just the most amazing people are so freaking brilliant.


Mallory Gordon  14:40

They’re brilliant. They’re very open, transparent and brutally honest. Not I wouldn’t say brutally. They’re just the honest people. You can really engage them and just about any conversation and they’ll meet you there.


Mickey Gordon  14:54

And spoiler alert, they’re gonna be on our next episode, so Oh, shit. Oh shit. Hey, one last thing before we jump. On to the next thing because we do have a couple of things to do before we get to the breakouts. But Kate from wanderlust swingers baddest bitch on the planet hands down is just insanely detail oriented, organized. Everything we said she was everything we thought this event would be what it was.


Mallory Gordon  15:18

Yeah. And her level of, you know, customer care customer service stations, even a customer client friend. Like she, she was everywhere. at every given moment. Yeah.


Mickey Gordon  15:29

everywhere except by the back fence when I threatened to poke that guy in the eye.


Mallory Gordon  15:33

That’s true. It was a weirdo trying to look through like the Yeah, the fence where we were trying to block it off. So the topless Pool Party was private. Yeah, yeah.


Mickey Gordon  15:42

Yeah, we were putting out a privacy fence. And he kept pulling it to the side and I walked over there and I was like, dude, you ever seen The Three Stooges? He’s like, No, I was like, well, guess what’s gonna happen? I’m gonna poke in your damn eyes. If you poke listening to the side again. He’s like, how do I get in? Like you don’t it’s a private party. And I pulled it to the side and zip tie to shit. Yeah, but I was like, I’m gonna poke you in the eye. And I would have I would have poked him. Right. He would have been a one eyed bastard.


Mallory Gordon  16:03

Yeah. So you were essentially the guy at the gate at the Emerald study. That was good for you. That’s right. It was not a horse of a different color.


Mickey Gordon  16:10

Oh, damn it, you stole my line. That’s the only line I know. All right, what else is going on because we have a whole bunch of travels, we got a whole lot of things we’re doing that are not going to keep us from doing new episodes of casual swinger. We have the new to the next two episodes planned. And we’re gonna get through season three and get season four started for you guys without a break. So since we just took it six weeks, which is crazy.


Mallory Gordon  16:29

You heard it here, folks. You’re gonna mock and shame him if he doesn’t hold up his end of the bargain.


Mickey Gordon  16:35

All the ridicule Jesus Christ feeling I’m feeling sassy, Mrs. sassy little. So


Mallory Gordon  16:41

what are we what else we have going on? We’re going to see Derek and I can’t wait out in the Midwest to see our a couple of our favorite human beings in the planet. Hopefully it isn’t snow in July there.


Mickey Gordon  16:52

Yeah. I mean, it’s one of the two days of summer they have an Iowa Yeah. Right. So I’m looking forward to that. We’re going to St. Augustine in July, St. oggy. A couple of really actually, we’re going to couples that we adore. So we’re really excited about that.


Mallory Gordon  17:04

Yeah. And then to Nashville and August. This has been a trip that we we’ve been trying to do for it’s been a year, year and a half, almost two now.


Mickey Gordon  17:12

It was gonna be a meet and greet. And then management. Well, they didn’t go tits up. They just had to shut down. Get that that location as a church now I think, or a homeless shelter or something crazy. Okay. But there’s a new location from an edge and it’s not going to work out for this trip. So we’re just going to Nashville to see Randy Rogers band. I’m cool with that. I’ve never been to Nashville. Oh, Nashville is amazing. I can’t wait. We have two ASN awards in September.


Mallory Gordon  17:32

That’s right by our own backyard for a long weekend. middle of September, my birthday weekend, if anyone wants to show up and give me a little, you know. And then we’re going up north to the DC metro area.


Mickey Gordon  17:46

Yeah, we’re going back back to our roots back to the DC area for about a week because we’re going to be old.


Mallory Gordon  17:52

Yeah, your roots, my branches.


Mickey Gordon  17:55

And last but not least, guys, we’re going on our last trip with Rachel’s rascals two hedonism in November.


Mallory Gordon  18:02

I know I’m super excited. This is gonna be an amazing trip. I know. They’re almost sold out of rooms. I think Jim has a couple left.


Mickey Gordon  18:09

Yeah, he doesn’t have a lot. I know guys want to go on our last rascals for a while. That’s a we’re never going to wrestles again. By the way. We love the rascals. Yeah. Family. Yeah. 20s don’t have the PTO.


Mallory Gordon  18:18

Yeah, yeah. our day jobs are like, hey, by the way, you can’t take that much ever again. So yeah, we’re gonna take 2022 off at a minimum. Yeah, maybe we’ll end up at Hito at some point. time allows, that would be awesome. But


Mickey Gordon  18:32

make it work. But we can’t really do it as


Mallory Gordon  18:35

if you wanted to travel with us in the rascals both at the same time. Feel free to reach out to us. It’s casual swing, calm slash travel with us. Happy to provide you the info and get you in contact with those folks. You can book something.


Mickey Gordon  18:46

Yeah. Well, hey, we never bothered to tell anybody since this entire catch up. What? What this episode is about? Oh, yeah, we haven’t just left it off.


Mallory Gordon  18:56

Yeah. So you name this after meatloaf song, which I love you for. I would do anything for love. But I won’t do that. And we’re talking about play style dynamics, right?


Mickey Gordon  19:06

That’s right. Anything for Levin’s, but I won’t do that. Yeah, this is a play style dynamics episode where we’re gonna talk about the different dynamics. Do people endure any new dynamic that we just embarked on?


Mallory Gordon  19:16

Yeah, this has been since the last Yeah. Last. Yeah. I think since our last episode. Yeah, just barely. Yeah.


Mickey Gordon  19:23

So we did embark on a new dynamic in our play style. We’re going to talk about that we come back in just a couple of minutes. Sorry about this long intro guys. It’s been a while we’re a little rusty But hey, maybe you’ll enjoy it and hang in there with us. Mallory. As usual. Would you like to tell everybody where to find


Mallory Gordon  19:37

I can remember we are casual swinger everywhere. Guys, that’s our website. Casual swinger calm if you’d love to send us a message, feel free to email us podcast at casual swing calm and find us on social media. That’s Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and of course Twitter because it’s the only place you can post pictures anymore book and then the dating sites That’s double date, nation, as Lessons CC and Cassidy.


Mickey Gordon  20:02

That’ll do it. Ladies and gentlemen, we’ll be back in just a couple of seconds and we will talk about playstyle dynamics. You’ve been listening to casual this week. Okay, gang. Welcome back to casual swinger. My name is Mickey. And I am Mallory. I figured you guys got that shit figured out by now we’re going to talk about playstyle dynamics, the way we play in the lifestyle. It’s kind of a defining characteristic. It’s one of the first things people ask when you meet them on a on a website or on a dating service or in person that is your club. What do you fall into? What do you do? How do you play?


Mallory Gordon  20:48

Yeah, and that’s fascinating, because why is it so easy to talk about the things you’re not into? And you won’t do it? But it’s usually hard or harder for people to say what they do want.


Mickey Gordon  21:00

They almost never do and especially on places like w eight nation or STC you see, you know, we do not play separately Don’t even ask, it’s like the first thing that something African often doesn’t have, you know, single guys, right? How about that one? That one’s on a lot of profile. My favorite one is University of Sydney, you’re not allowed to use these photos? You there is no University of Sydney.


Mallory Gordon  21:20

Okay? I mean, even us we have you know, no assholes including ours. That’s true. You know, because we don’t do but you’ve been asked for Angel hadn’t asked, but I say no every time just about it. At least that’s something you’ve been asked, right? Because the only guys that want to do it have like, can get friction off a pickle jar. And I don’t want my butthole to look different the next day or our butthole. And yours. Yeah,


Mickey Gordon  21:42

you know, Matt Serra’s ears or something? Gross, big old, lumpy butthole. cauliflower crew, Okay, stop. That’s not sexy. But you know, in 15 years in the lifestyle, you know, we’ve seen so many of these warnings in the dating sites and all these things. People say that I’m not doing this. And and we’re not this, we’re not that. And I mean, don’t get me wrong, the vast majority of these profiles are beautiful. And they say we’re a soft swap couple, or we’re full swap couple and great. That’s a great way to do it. We applaud you completely. But then you go to another one. And it’s like, Don’t ever think you’re going to speak to my wife without me standing right next to you. Yeah,


Mallory Gordon  22:23

I love which is kind of a default. And we can talk about how it fit into the dynamic. We’re gonna speak about later, that you know, only group chats period. I’ve tried to talk to us individually. I know. And one pump? Well, I don’t know. Anyway, I just wanted to bring that up. Well, cuz I have seen it quite a few times. Yeah.


Mickey Gordon  22:45

And in 15 years of being in the lifestyle together, I’ve never one time to maybe maybe you’ll disagree with me. But I just kind of thought back on this when we were putting the framework of this together in our minds. We’ve never been asked to do anything behind each other’s back. I picked that guy, Adam the douchebag. In the beginning,


Mallory Gordon  23:03

I also the girl that propositioned you at one of the functions we did and said, I didn’t and hers need to know. Yeah. And that’s only recently that was only recently I saw that in the notes. And I’m like, oh, call you out on the air. Yeah, that was okay. I forgot it. But it doesn’t. It’s not common. It’s just it’s a it’s a rarity. And it’s it’s just one of those implied unspoken things.


Mickey Gordon  23:27

Yeah, at least. And did I just draw on my forehead? He did. Okay, that’s okay. I’m scratching my head with my pen. And I realize I’m scratching at the wrong but


Mallory Gordon  23:33

like, leaving your partner out of the conversation specifically, like that whole group chat only, you know, I’ve never had an experience that I was speaking directly to somebody else, whether it was the male or female in the group without one, letting it be known that that’s was what I was doing. Like, especially if it’s her, I’ll ask her, or I’ll ask her if it’s okay to text him. Oh, of course, which that’s only happened a couple times. Yeah.


Mickey Gordon  23:57

And it is something that was fairly foreign to us. And I think we discovered, we kind of like it, we kind of like be able to have a little bit of direct conversation. And the end of the way when we talk about, we’re not leaving anyone out of the conversation, it just gives you an opportunity to more directly get to know somebody that you might be getting to know intimately at some point. But the way that I personally handle it, is I just kind of assume that my conversation with this person is going to be repeated verbatim to their partner. So I would never say anything to them that I wouldn’t say if their partner wasn’t sitting right there. I think that should be everyone’s rule of thumb. Yeah, just just assume that it’s gonna be like parroted Yeah. And badly. Think about telephone, right? Think about that game. Imagine it’s gonna go off. You’re like, You’re beautiful. And you’re back. He said, I had buck teeth, but they were pretty happy. Assume No,


Mallory Gordon  24:51

I don’t know how you got from point A to point B, but I do second telephone. No, I understood that analogy.


Mickey Gordon  24:58

But I don’t think I’ve ever really heard Did anyone ask me to leave you out of the conference now until now,


Mallory Gordon  25:02

it’s a good point that we’ve never been asked to play separately unless it was already on the table or discussed prior. Yeah, that’s true. Nobody ever said it’s, well, no, you


Mickey Gordon  25:12

know what, maybe I cut my own nose off to spite my face there. Because I have had people say that we would like to play with Mallory, but not you. What’s Yeah, that’s a dress. And what’s usually Well, I mean, dating sites, their location, can we hook up with her? We’re looking for a girl and she’s hot. Like don’t even know what it look like. It’s not like they look to me or like, hey, Quasimodo, can we talk to your wife? That’s not what happened. They just were looking for a girl and they thought, hey, you’re hot. Let’s do that. And me, by the way, well,


Mallory Gordon  25:40

and maybe it was just another like in their methodology. You know, some people, you know, unicorn, you know, hunting unicorns is challenging. And maybe the lower hanging fruit is finding a female that’s allowed to play separately with a couple. I mean, we’ve we’ve seen a lot more of that dynamic in the last three or four years and we saw of unicorns That’s true.


Mickey Gordon  26:00

And I you know, what? unicorn exchange is a great playstyle


Mallory Gordon  26:03

Yeah, unicorn exchange. Yeah, that sounds like a white elephant game. Like you play Christmas Eve. Exchange right? Instead of the slot where swap it’s just this one swap. Hey, let’s talk to TdnN see if they can create like a microsite that’s just for unicorn.


Mickey Gordon  26:16

That’s actually a brilliant idea. Even Andy if you’re listening, set that shit up. Right? You know, so I guess maybe in 15 years, we’ve kind of been asked to do all those things but not egregiously you know,


Mallory Gordon  26:29

never end poor taste or bad behavior. I think the two that you mentioned are probably the the only ones that I would give that kind of notation to


Mickey Gordon  26:37

I left a big one off there. Sorry about that. But that’s okay. No, but we have been asked to do a few things that are big no nose like a bareback.


Mallory Gordon  26:46

Oh, yeah. Which is it hasn’t come up in a long time. But when it does, at my always so foreign to me, and I’m like, I don’t think um, no, definitely, most definitely not. Yeah,


Mickey Gordon  26:58

I know couples that are they’re fairly, I don’t wanna say, I don’t know what the word is because it’s not monogamous. And it’s not polyamorous because they’re not in love. And they are two couples, it’s dogmas. I don’t know what it is, but where they are kind of hooked up and they’re fluid bonded and cool. They’re the only people they’re fucking monogamous. swingers have exclusive play partners. There we go. Yeah, maybe? I mean, he and that’s cool. But you meet him at a club? No.


Mallory Gordon  27:27

Yeah. What about we’ve been asked to surprise their partner for a birthday and let’s be honest, you did that to me. For one of my birthday. I


Mickey Gordon  27:36

did. Yeah. But at the same time, it was still a four person event. I just invited them down as a surprise. Here’s our friends that we play with all the time. And we’re all gonna hang out for your and I invited a bunch of your vanilla girlfriends to Okay, that he tried to fuck


Mallory Gordon  27:52

Yes. Rewind that tape for a second. Can you imagine Put yourself in my shoes. It’s my birthday. We have the swinger couple that we had been swinging with for quite some time. He’s very gregarious. Oh my, my girl circle pole dancing friends. Yes, my girl circle there. And he was hitting on all of them. So it’s them. All my girls it was it was a melding of two worlds that oh, well, if they hadn’t figured it out, they knew that most of them were most of them had. No I don’t they weren’t there was only one


Mickey Gordon  28:25

they were sexually non monogamous experience Havers on the regular I don’t know what you want to call it. No, they weren’t don’t know the No, they weren’t only one of them was the other two found interest in it. They’re the ones that are closeted, or like to insecure now one of them ended up having experiences but the rest of him at that point she had not, I guess I am building some of those. Yeah, you’re you’re making up the story that fits your narrative and how but wow. Wow, hi, guys, Mickey’s back and he’s a dick. That’s right. The new Mickey is a penis. You know, I we have had people ask us to expand boundaries that we’ve set prior to play in the heat of the moment. Now that is, like, you know, bareback is just off the table. It’s just really awful. But we talked about, you know, people are like, oh, by the way, I know you said you wouldn’t do blah, but since we’re here anyway. Things like being offered drugs. Yeah. Yep. You know, that’s and say, Hey, well, we brought some of this with us anyway. How would you like to do that? I’m like, Yeah, I feel like I can totally trust you. What else do you have in that trench game?


Mallory Gordon  29:28

Yeah, well, I mean, and I’m not gonna be like somebody else’s young but it does change the dynamic for me. You know, if they want to do whatever they want to do, that’s fine. But it also means if they’re under the influence, I don’t feel as great about it because I won’t do it. Oh, yeah. Well, that’s a different and that’s a that’s just a personal choice for me. That’s me not judging them.


Mickey Gordon  29:46

Why can I consider drug use to be the same as alcohol, that excessive use of alcohol is a consent issue for me and I consider to be drug use the same Yeah,


Mallory Gordon  29:56

even if like everyone’s totally sober and they decide to overindulged. Yeah during Yeah, even then that makes me uncomfortable. Exactly. And I’m



not gonna judge you for it. I’m just not gonna play with you. I mean, it’s Yeah, we’ll see. We’ll see here and babysit you and bring you snacks, right? Yeah, events


Mickey Gordon  30:12

we go to or we don’t play. It has nothing to do with not winning play with people just sometimes it’s just not right. Yeah. How about and this is kind of the last one before we kind of move on? Is it the picture swapping? Oh, every fucking time you get somebody like from Kentucky who’s like, Hey, I know I don’t live anywhere near Central Florida. But let’s exchange pictures and jerk off. Can’t wait, Steve, let’s do that.


Mallory Gordon  30:31

It’s just not our bag. And it’s I guess it makes it a little foreign to us. And I think it’s more common than we really know. That pick pick exchange is a thing. Well, I don’t know. It’s kind of hot with people, you know? Yeah. But I mean, maybe it’s a little bit of a fetish one as people you don’t know. I’m not sure.


Mickey Gordon  30:48

We have some friends that are amazing photographers. And they have beautiful Oh my God. And so when they want to share photographs, it’s super sexy, but we know them. It’s not and so why are we including this in play style dynamics? Because I think for some people that is their playstyle because maybe their partner has no idea. Yeah. Maybe they’re just not into maybe their partner is the slowest person. And so they’re like, Look, let’s just do it this way. And it’ll just be hot and we can look at pictures and talk about it for a year


Mallory Gordon  31:15

plausible. We could probably come up with a six different ideas of you know what we don’t know that could be right, we make up the makeup the in between, but I do find it as an interesting or fascinating behavior. But not that I want. I want to subscribe to


Mickey Gordon  31:29

No, no, it’s I don’t do it. I mean, I do different stuff with our photographs. Anyway, I get a lot of shit online for it. I get a message probably once a week, from some morning dude going, Hey, all these other people have only fans, all these other people are showing off, you know, more TNA more explicit, you know, pussy pictures, why don’t you do that? You should do that. Send them to me. Just send me It’s okay. Just send him to me. Like Yo, my God, dude, you’re so right. Let me just send you this directory of 12,000 photos of Mallory’s vagina that I have. All right, it’s 9000. I’m not that weird. Okay. But so let’s talk about some of the different playstyles. Yes, yeah, the different ones that we’ve encountered and embarked on and what they are


Mallory Gordon  32:10

you kind of? Yeah, you kind of want to go in order from like, most common, most common or where a lot of people start, like, let’s say same room? Sure. See, maybe probably the most common place. The same room could be soft swap could be full swap, but everyone resides in plays in the same square footage area. There’s a door there, everyone’s on one side of it.


Mickey Gordon  32:30

Yeah. And I think that’s popular for safety reasons people feel comfortable. And I do think that that’s one of the biggest challenges both for women and for men for different reasons, that when you go to embark on a non monogamous adventure with another couple, what you’re doing is you’re handing the person you care about the most as a female or a male, to someone else to have intimate time with. And it’s a very vulnerable position for both parties.


Mallory Gordon  32:56

Oh, extremely. When we first started, I was definitely not comfortable being out of your eyesight. I wasn’t necessarily as concerned about keeping tabs on you. I mean, I was interested in what you were doing, but it just felt so foreign and very uncomfortable in the beginning to be outside of there. Like I remember, there was a time early on, I think you left to get like water for everybody. And in my head. I decided that you were you were gone for too long. And I remember feeling so anxious and paranoid. Someone was talking to me and it was like Charlie Brown’s teacher. Yeah. Wah wah, wah, wah. Exactly. I’m like, I know your lips are moving. But don’t understand anything you’re fucking saying right now. Is mine’s my anxieties like peaked? Yeah, I don’t I don’t know why I think it is.


Mickey Gordon  33:43

My person’s disappeared. Maybe he ran off maybe he met somebody and maybe forgot about


Mallory Gordon  33:47

No, me and my brain no be found down. You know, the stairs are being carted off in an ambulance. Definitely. No. Well, again, I guess so. She’s dead. I’m fun. I’ve always cared like you’re hurt or injured.


Mickey Gordon  34:02

You have to worry that I fall into my do a single storey building.


Mallory Gordon  34:07

That’s my worst case scenario, like you were abducted by aliens. Or I don’t know. I just worry about you.


Mickey Gordon  34:14

I’m so glad somebody does. Because the whole world out there is going god he’s an idiot. So what about group play? I think group play and people think same room but group play. What I mean by that is to some for some more some Yeah. Right. It’s it could be more than for sure. Because same room can be. I mean, one of my favorite parts about hotel rooms is they have a sex bed and sleep. Oh, yeah. But when you have a couple over there most experts, that’s true. But if you’re all in one bed, that’s group playing, okay. Right. It’s you’re all in the same space. That means you may have incidental contact. Yes, that’s my foot. Get off me. By you know,


Mallory Gordon  34:48

yeah. Which is the wrong order of those words. That should be get me off.


Mickey Gordon  34:51

That’s right. Get me love. But I do think it’s different. I think that dog pile in group play. Some people really dig it and it’s going Have a fun dynamic. Oh, yeah. Yeah. My friends that really dig it.


Mallory Gordon  35:05

Yeah, no, I love it. Because that means more hands for pets. Which I love my pets you do.


Mickey Gordon  35:13

But yeah, I personally don’t love group play. It’s not my thing, mostly because I have ADD like a motherfucker.


Mallory Gordon  35:20

Yeah, you and I have talked about that. So I think it’s add is one of the reasons you and I understand each other and yours is a little different than mine. But like we overlap and I’m not gonna say Venn diagram even though I just did. Um, there we go again, folks. Another Venn diagram from Matt, we have overlapping tendencies, so we understand each other. But your your tics and hesitations and like where you tend to refocus is totally different work than than I so. But yeah, I can see my dog pals, like, it’s good for me because I have multiple things going on that allowed me to focus on me. It’s weird, like I listen to music or watch Netflix while I work, even when I’m doing some intense research, because it allows me to focus because there’s other things going on. I don’t know how you do that same reason I need a fan on at night. I need the noise I need to that tactile feeling of the wind on my face and listen to the noise.


Mickey Gordon  36:12

Like the only time I can listen to music while I work is when I’m doing accounting for casual toys or taxes or expense reports at work when I’m doing mindless shit. I was gonna say odd number for AIFF to call it Yeah, autonomic functions. Yeah. But if I’m trying to do for JB for casual swinger, I’m working on a website working on graphics. I can’t


Mallory Gordon  36:31

Yeah, and see, the more creative or in depth it is the more I need it. But I digress. So what about separate room play? That’s another dynamic


Mickey Gordon  36:42

that is another dynamic. And we’re gonna talk a lot more about that in a minute. But, you know, separate room is something that I think a lot of people are terrified of,


Mallory Gordon  36:50

especially in the beginning, a lot of people never explore that.


Mickey Gordon  36:53

No, they don’t. And again, for a lot of reasons, there’s trust security, there’s concern for maybe something’s gonna happen that I have no control over, or maybe even just basic logistics. Like, what happens if one couple finishes? are we all going to go watch TV until they get done in that other room? It’s tough. Yeah, it’s stuff you have to communicate about beforehand. And you know, we talked about this a lot in our podcast a Palooza session, but communication is pretty goddamn key. Because things like separate room, that’s where it’s really important. I mean, you’re gonna go beat on the door and go, Hey, I came get out of there. We’re done now. Oh, that’s not how that works. But separate room is very uncommon, actually, from our experience, almost as uncommon as people talking separately and as opposed to in group chats and stuff. Interesting that you mentioned that it is but we’re gonna get back to that. Is that foreshadowing? Yes. And literature we call that foreshadowing, folks? I love you. He’s so good at this about hot wife and cut clay. Let’s talk about them.


Mallory Gordon  37:48

Yeah, I mean, obviously, that’s another dynamic right hot wife, click Play stag, vixen? Anything, you can kind of throw those under an umbrella in a way. All little different in their own sense. But when one player goes out, player, a player a player don’t hate the player hate the game. When one player three is in the game, are we gonna make you explain it? When when one spouse of the couple goes out and plays with another individual or even another a couple of times, or? Yeah, no,


Mickey Gordon  38:22

it is well and so it can be cocky can be cut Queen, cut queen is a female cook. By the way for those that don’t know what that is. But yeah, it’s it’s when one person goes out and plays and the other one gets hella turned on by it and stays home and tries out like hell not to spank their monkey because they want to bug the crap out of their partner when they get home. It’s actually extremely common.


Mallory Gordon  38:43

Yeah, it’s more common than I would have thought. 15 years ago.


Mickey Gordon  38:49

Yeah. It’s outrageously common. Yeah. And how about soft swap full swap oral only? Right. It’s i think i think we that’s all kind of know what those things are. The weird one for me is where people are like oral only Yeah, like don’t touch me down there. But you can kiss it and I we’ve actually had a couple they don’t kiss me. Yes. Don’t get me. It’s all me on the poster. You can hear touch it.


Mallory Gordon  39:16

You can kiss me where it smells funny. But definitely a lot on the lips. Sure.


Mickey Gordon  39:21

I get it. I guess I don’t understand it. I’m not gonna do it. I don’t think it should smell funny. No, it doesn’t smell your smells delicious. Thanks. Yeah. Like, like fairies are down there. It’s going here have fairy dust. Nice. rainbows and sunshine. Yes. Oh, no. rainbows are unicorn farts. Yours don’t smell like unicorn farts.


Mallory Gordon  39:39

Yeah. And then there’s the other dynamic and it’s usually like the disclaimer dynamic. Right? Right. I would do we can do all of the things anything but insert what’s only reserved for my spouse here


Mickey Gordon  39:53

that like kissing. Kissing is a great example of that. Yeah, I only kissed my partner. You know, I can’t I cannot have sex without kissing. I just Kid,


Mallory Gordon  40:00

I can’t, I cannot find. I can’t even imagine trying to find a level of sexual draw desire to someone that I can’t kiss because it’s a precursor. Like when you kiss someone, that’s when the wheels start turning, and you start to anticipate what kind of lover they could potentially be. Yeah, that’s that first gate


Mickey Gordon  40:21

fetish. Well, that’s it, they can’t kiss your face. They’re not going to kiss your pussy worth a damn. That’s a good point, right? Because if they’re too rough, if they’re like, chomping on your cheek or something, or


Mallory Gordon  40:32

biting your tongue, I’ve had somebody do that before, which is very strange.


Mickey Gordon  40:35

I go, like, Oh, my tongue. Or how about reserving like, things that the spouse won’t do? Like? Like, for example, I we’ve actually had this conversation, maybe where some playstyle is, I’m really looking for anal, because my wife won’t do it. And my wife’s totally fine with it. She’s right here, see? And she goes, Yeah, you’re right. I won’t, but you can.


Mallory Gordon  40:54

Or the opposite, because I’m uncomfortable with it. It’s not part of our dynamic in or out of this situation.


Mickey Gordon  41:01

Yeah. So and again, that a lot of this sounds like yucking, somebody else’s yum. And I promise it’s not. It’s just kind of an overview of some of those different dynamics that are out there. They’re all okay, if everyone involved is okay with it. Sure. But if not, everybody’s okay with it. Where’s the where’s this come in? failures of communication. So what ends up happening is because you’re afraid of how people are going to react, people don’t like what you’re going to say, maybe you think that they’re not going to be okay with it. Maybe you hold it back, and then you end up asking for it in the heat of the moment. And that’s how that first thing happens that we talked about earlier in the segment, that now in the heat of the moment, you bring something up, that’s all new, that’s a terrible time to introduce something new. If you didn’t communicate it about it beforehand, then probably shouldn’t communicate about it while you’re having sex. Right? don’t pop new shit on partners and swinging. That’s


Mallory Gordon  41:53

not a good idea. Yeah, no, no, yeah. No, that’s, that’s terrible idea. And so where are we even talking about this? Because I think that overview went a little long. We have a fucking point to this. I don’t care. We haven’t done a show in six weeks, they’re probably gonna forgive us for it. So how about let’s ask a question, Where are we with our exploration? shoots happened in the last six weeks? Yeah. Yeah. I love that. We’re still doing new things over these years. But I’m also shocked that we it took us this long to explore it, and maybe it was just the right time, the right people.


Mickey Gordon  42:22

That’s what I think is gonna happen here in a second, we are going to let our listeners know that there’s something that we hadn’t done before, and they will probably have assume that we did. That’s true. And it’s probably going to be a little shocking.


Mallory Gordon  42:36

Okay, are we gonna give it to them? Because we’re not due for a break. All right, let’s give it to them. Okay, so, since we last spoke to all of you, we actually had legit separate room play. Yeah. And I say legit, because we’ve had play where maybe you were on the main level doing something else. And I was still there. And it’s it’s kind of open air like in reference to our domicile? Sure. And I’ve gone out and done the single guy hot wife thing. But that’s not really separate room because you’re home or elsewhere doing non swinger things. Yeah, they were in it was normal. Yeah,


Mickey Gordon  43:12

I thought it would be very normal transition. But it’s still kind of came out. Like, like, don’t like we all huddled was like okay, and break. And?


Mallory Gordon  43:21

Yeah, yeah, kind of a little bit. But it wasn’t weird. It wasn’t weird. So Woody. So what do we think of it? What? How did how did that transpire?


Mickey Gordon  43:30

I kind of want to hear your thoughts on that. First.


Mallory Gordon  43:34

Okay. So I thought it was amazing. Actually, I very much enjoyed it. I had some reservations, of course, because it’s anything new. Right? You it’s an unknown quantity. So you don’t know what to expect after the fact. Right. And we’ve done such a good job at connecting with these folks. And that leads into something we foreshadowed, folks, is that we actually had an opportunity to engage with them individually. Yeah. And almost like a three way conversation. So we had a group chat with all of us in one place. You know, I would talk to her, I would talk to him, you would talk to her and you kind of talk to him a little bit, I believe. Yeah. Yeah, I like him. He’s a good guy. But we got to know each other a little more intimately. You know, leading up to them coming here, or meeting up? Yeah. And I think it actually helped a lot to establish this foundation and comfort level.


Mickey Gordon  44:33

Here’s what I liked about it. What it allowed us to take very different paths from point A to point B, when a group chat, people tend to follow the leader. So if things get naughty, then it’s a naughty chat for everybody. Yeah. But when you have that separate, segregated conversation, you can move, the two people might move slower than the other two people in terms of their path to being a little more risque or a little more I get it. But we all still arrived at the same place. We just arrived there at different times, which I thought was really interesting.


Mallory Gordon  45:07

Yeah. And I mean, it allowed us because when you think about it from a strategic in this sounds really kidzone candor and authentic in a way, but from a strategic perspective, you want to give the best opportunity to connect with that individual that you’re primarily going to be sleeping with. It’s not your partner. Yeah. And I think that really opened the door, because for me group chats, everyone’s schedules a little different. So I had trouble following and being on the same page as everyone else, when you reduce the number of people to just one other person and the person you’re praying to, nobody gets left behind. And then the two of you are going at your own pace. Yeah. And what was great is everyone was communicating and kind of giving, like summaries or bullet points that are up to date, because we’ve had problems with that in the past where we’ve independently spoken with one person. And they didn’t tell the other person like, you know, you never know how someone’s gonna feel about some things. Let’s trigger and, you know, even they’re just words, they can hurt sometimes. Oh, or be an issue. And this was not the case. It was absolutely wonderful.


Mickey Gordon  46:15

Yeah, it’s, I think it is, and I think we, we kind of covered what was good about it, was there anything bad about it from your perspective that would that would lead us to, we don’t want to do that, again, that plays out and work for us, or the lead into that play style wasn’t effective for us?


Mallory Gordon  46:30

You know, I will update you, if I identify anything that I can say was bad or negative or even indifferent to, yeah, um, nothing’s coming to mind me


Mickey Gordon  46:43

either. I can tell you that. For me. It was a lot of confetti in the air like it. Yeah, it was really good for me, because I have ADD like a motherfucker. So I said that earlier. And it really let me focus on the other person a little bit, which made it a lot more intimate, especially for that person, because I think she needed that. And I think I would absolutely do it again. Matter of fact, I’m looking forward to doing it again. And I think you’re as well. That I am as well, what looking forward to doing it again. Are you paying attention? Are


Mallory Gordon  47:10

you I am you swallowing something? I don’t know, an Egor? I don’t know. I missed that.


Mickey Gordon  47:16

But yeah, I’m looking forward to doing it again, because I think everything about it was great. And the last thing that I have for you is why in the hell have we done that before?


Mallory Gordon  47:24

You know, after all these years, I look back and I’m thinking the same thing. We’ve had some very close relationships. And I don’t know if it was a reflection of the other couples dynamic or that we just never asked or really thought about it. That or that intentionally. Because for us, we’ve only really pursued like, the hot wife kind of aspects. Because that does feed. You and I in a very personal and intimate environment. So dirty for us. And we’ve we love it. Yeah, I’m not really sure I came up with nothing when we were going through the notes on this. Yeah. I came up with it. There’s no I don’t. I don’t know if there was if we had any walls up with that. Do you think you did?


Mickey Gordon  48:12

I think that I had a irrational fear of a dynamic forming that never formed, I think I had an irrational fear that we would lose communicative points that we would lose the group dynamic that it would become about two separate relationships and not the group. And I think what we did really well was maintain that group chat as well as the individual chats.


Mallory Gordon  48:36

Yeah, we didn’t nurture the conversations as a whole. And just like we nurtured the playtime as a whole because it wasn’t just separate room play. I mean, we actually led with it, which was kind of funny. And like, in hindsight, but we also had group play. And it, it was actually a good physical reflection of the conversations we were having. Right? It was, it was fun. It was it was interesting, because I think she led the charge and the initial play separate. And then he did as well. And I was really proud of them. And for many reasons that we won’t get into that. They were kind of like the ringleaders there. And then we we did the group play thing, and it was almost poetic. It was beautiful. Yeah, I


Mickey Gordon  49:21

wish they’d come to podcasts of blues, I think we would have had a lot of fun. We probably would have been a lot less useful to all the attendees.


Mallory Gordon  49:26

I was gonna say we would have not been as hopeful or as present probably. Really, where’s the MC he’s in his room. And a lot of sex anyway.


Mickey Gordon  49:36

Well, what are your thoughts on transitioning between playstyles because, you know, I think everybody starts somewhere some people start soft and seem room or or oral only or they start girl girl only, right? I mean, they were there. Everybody’s got some list of fucked up rules when they get started. We did everybody else has.


Mallory Gordon  49:56

I don’t want to call them fucked up because everyone I mean, if it’s their rules, it’s a prerogative. Sure.


Mickey Gordon  50:00

But is there a way to progress between playstyles? If you wanted to do so in your opinion?


Mallory Gordon  50:04

I mean, sure there is. I mean, we did it. Of course there is, but it’s got to be ever the slowest person’s pace, right? I just think it’s crazy that we haven’t ever really done it before. It’s so mind blowing to me. It’s


Mickey Gordon  50:20

equally mind blowing, would you do it again, I would 100% do it again, even necessarily, with a different couple, but with some caveats. Okay, then obviously, with that couple because it worked out magically was fantastic. So of course, I’m going to do it again. But with, you know, the caveats for a new couple are that we do maintain that group dynamic, and that we let everybody know, they know that we do talk to each other, we are going to communicate wholly and completely we’re going to communicate for ways and make sure that everybody’s on the same page and find out what all of us want from our playtime. Yeah, right. What are you looking for? What you know, what scares you? Because I think irrational fear is the thing that grenades a good time. It really does.


Mallory Gordon  51:06

Yeah, no, I get that. And I don’t know, this is something we could blink, blink it do with just about anyone, per se, right, because everyone’s got their own, you know, rules and regulations and comfort zones. But if we are I do like the approach we took, I think it made it comfortable, more comfortable for all parties. And I think it led to better sex to Oh, God.


Mickey Gordon  51:25

Yes. It was awesome. Yeah, but you know, I will tell you the thing that always kind of stopped me over the years, because I’ve been in the lifestyle very long time. And I’ve done some separate room stuff, you know, before you. And the thing that I always I always go back to and I always think about is how much do I trust this person with the person I love the most. Okay. And I think that’s one of the barriers for people is is my spouse, wife, girlfriend, fuck, buddy, whatever, are they going to be? Okay. And if you are worried about it, you probably shouldn’t be playing with a couple at all. Yeah, and I think the, in my opinion, that’s just my humble opinion. Can


Mallory Gordon  52:02

I get into my experience? I think it was the second time we had departed to do separate room pleasure show to talk. Yeah, so there was a little unexpected anxiety but it was a blend of anxiety and excitement and the best way and God I hope there’s people out there that watch tik tok that know who this person is because this is the I know, I can paint the picture. So there is a woman on tik tok, and she does these sleepwalking videos or no it is silliness. Spooky boo. she the one that farts? Yes. But I did not fart. So you guys are still up there. We had just finished at least like the first or second round. And I went to come like inspections like checking and reading and get waters and all these things. And I’m literally like Scooby Doo gang like tttt tttt, the main floor and like, I want to celebrate all of the things that have just happened. But I’m also not sure of like what I’m supposed to do with myself and what the next steps are. So it was like a robot ran out of the room, grab some water, come back in, lay back down, take the robot hang out, maybe learn a little bit. Get up, put the robe back on, run out giggle look for people. No one come back to the room. Like it was. It was a lot like her videos when she’s in that euphoric state. And she’s just running around giggling and like, going in the fridge and offering inanimate objects like drinks. That was that was pretty much me. Yeah.


Mickey Gordon  53:27

Meanwhile, I’m upstairs doing nothing playing checkers. Yeah, well with a pillow over her face because she was loud. I’m gonna call her checkers from now on. I was playing checkers. Look, if your add is Fuck, like I am, I will say this, that you’re transitioning to a separate room playtime is actually pretty beneficial. It was beneficial for me because you know, when we are in a group dynamic or steam room dynamic, I tend to focus on Mallory,


Mallory Gordon  53:54

okay. And I love that I’m your favorites, human being and I love that you’re so interested, and my pleasure and my happiness, that that’s a part of it. But I have, I do feel like it’s a hindrance on your own pleasure, because then you focus there takes away from your partner. But it also could potentially take away from your ability to get off. It does every time. And when we were talking about the separate play. I’m like, you know, I would really love to see how this impacts your ability to have more orgasms. Yeah,


Mickey Gordon  54:30

I think it does impact it. One of the things that I remember is obviously a few weeks ago, but one of the things I remember the most is that I had zero trouble I normally like condoms are an issue right and unique condom has been a huge boon for me. The unique condoms are the most sensitive condom I’ve ever felt. So I think it was a combination of the unique condoms and the separate room right? But are you gonna tell you’re gonna make jokes about the fucking labels on the condoms? I know. But those condoms And the separate room made it to where I had no reptile issues at all like I was harder than Chinese algebra the whole fucking time. I was I was as hard as on naturale


Mallory Gordon  55:09

man, like all natural like you were ready to go with it. I know nothing. I was super excited for that. That was wonderful. You know, I enjoyed using the condoms as well. It definitely helps me a lot of them. You owe me money. I was lucky. That was rude. But one of the best parts was picking the stickers off your guys’s butts and balls because apparently as girls are you guys when like I put them on every time. I think he kind of liked it. But they never failed like, because it’s Dickerson you’re crevasses.


Mickey Gordon  55:51

I know I had one of my ball sack in the shower. And I was like, why do I have a green sticker? There’s one I can’t remember whose button was on. But it’s the sticker. See insert penis here. Oh, no, it was the best flick. It’s not close to taking a picture. Definitely not my button. Alright, well look, we’re gonna come back in just a hot second for you guys. I This episode is going to run just a couple of minutes long. But we don’t want to leave this out. We’re gonna come back and talk a Mallory’s toy box. We’re going to talk about the poem power extreme. It’s a new one. So awesome. Yeah, Mallory is going to talk all about this. I am



I was a little scared of it. Not gonna lie. But we’ll get into that all new stuff. Mallory want to let everybody know where to find us. And we’ll be back in a whole second.


Mallory Gordon  56:31

Yeah, we’re casual swimmer everywhere. It’s casual swing, calm, you can reach out to us podcast at casual swinger calm. If you like us want to leave us some love notes. Feel free to do that on iTunes. let other people know that we’re great. We’re also on social media. That’s Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. And you can find us on the dating apps as well. That’s why Celeste sec and Cassidy.


Mickey Gordon  56:56

You know, it’s funny. I sit over here and I mock you for this like in my head. And I know that I could never do what you do. I could never get all that.


Mallory Gordon  57:02

Yeah. And he tried to distract me by counting and like trying to recite it or move your lips the same time as me. I’m an awful person. Yeah, I


Mickey Gordon  57:09

don’t know why you love me or suck my penis. That’s a great penis. There it is, folks. He’s got a great penis and he and his penis. We’ll be back with the beautiful Mallory in just a second. You’ve been listening to casually.


Mallory Gordon  57:35

Hey, guys, welcome back to casual swinger. It’s Mallory again. Did you get confused about what show this is? Oh, well, back to you. Casual I didn’t say. No, you didn’t. I did though. Jerk. Hey, welcome to my box. I love your box. Do you like to see what’s inside my box today? A few things inside your box in the last six weeks? That’s true. I’ve been playing with a lot of different things. Mm hmm. Yum, yum. Mallory’s toy box? Yeah. So yeah, we’re gonna do a toy box session because I feel rather spoiled these days. I got a few new toys over the last, you know, six weeks that we’ve been on hiatus unbeknownst to our listeners, you have a stack of toys I do. And this one I’m really excited about. You know, I’m a big proponent and supporter of the womanizer, that thing has changed my life. And I still love my ones I just struggled to use ones during play. Because of the ergonomics of it and the placement of it because of typically where I like to have the dual stimulation. I’m usually on my knees or face down or on my side. So it’s a curved like we’re spooning essentially, while we’re fucking are you doing me doggy style, but you used to use a wand every time I used to. Yeah, I used to use the nachi. And it just got to the point that was too cumbersome. To do so to hold the angles, right. And we placed Ray and I got so clunky that it was frustrating. It was actually taken away from potential natural orgasms. And oh, it was just a nightmare. That’s when we actually got the wedge because a wedge had the Hitachi o hole for it. Which is amazing. But it’s still not useful except for in that one position. Yeah, that’s right. We hadn’t figured like I’ve tried to bear hug it. Down face up. Yeah. That’s sitting, isn’t it? Looking at you, Derek. Yeah, so we found this toy. Actually, you found this toy and surprise me with it. There was a little goodie bag that was waiting for me when I get home. And it’s called a poem power extreme. And I keep on I call it a Palm Pilot. I know that’s like something totally else. It’s a utilitarian and outdated archaic tool. Now Ellery has dated herself. Hey, did everyone should date themselves. You do see sex toys all the time. But what I love about this, so it’s a one, but it’s a tilted one. Like it’s got it’s got an angled head. It does. And I was right before we started recording this. I was like, I don’t know how to describe it. You That hockey stick or a golf club, and yeah, that’s kind of the nature of it. So the head is perpendicular almost to the handle. It’s about a 4550 degree angle from the handle. Yeah. And it’s actually a really great angle. So if I’m laying on my belly or on my side, I don’t have to put my wrist in my hand in an uncomfortable position to make contact to where I feel is natural and comfortable for me. You can almost lay it flat on your belly. I could almost lay flat on my belly. You’re correct. Yeah, yes, almost lay flat on my belly and have this right underneath. It’s got a little bit of height to it. So I do have to like kick my hips up a little bit or use a pillow, which is or a wedge, which is kind of my go to like the little soft wedge, not the big wedge. But what I love about this is it’s got a few things going for it is water resistant. So no, don’t take it in the bathtub. It’s not submergible but you know, if I was in the shower if you’re squirter totally fine. Okay, yeah, silicone head. It’s got a silicone head. It’s USB rechargeable, which is kind of a half, two, there’s not many battery operated toys out there that, you know, I would go to, you know, the maps for these days. rechargeables kind of everything in my toy bag right now.


Mickey Gordon  1:01:09

You know what I noticed about the rechargeable part though? It’s a micro USB.


Mallory Gordon  1:01:12

Micro USB. Yeah. So like regular old your phone charger can return? Yeah. Yeah, exactly. I don’t turn it on dad. It’s super super, this why it is super quiet. I’m kidding. And I’ve been sitting here for so it’s got seven functions, which means it’s got certain degrees of level right as far as the intensity, the vibration, and then pattern vibration to it, right. So may do some short bursts and long bursts, then pause and some short bursts and long burst and pause and the intensities are, you know, different. I’m not a mode girl or function girl. But because I get really annoyed because right when I feel like I’m gonna edit pauses, or it’s like when you tell your partner Oh, that feels so good. Keep doing that. And then they stop and they do something else. That’s kind of what it feels like. To me that’s doing intensity is really, really nice. So it’s got a nice scale. And what I love about this, so it’s got an on and off button. And if you hold on, there’s a function button. So it’s really simple. On function, good to go. Nice. But if you hold down the function button, what it will do is it started a low intensity, and then gradually increase the high intensity. So it’s almost no thought involved. It’s cool if I wanted to increase or decrease it. So I absolutely fucking love that. And what’s even better, easy instructions on how to lock the damn thing. So if Yeah, and I love traveling with a couple vibrators, I need them and when I’m traveling because I never have an opportunity to go out on my own when I’m out for work. So I’m going to 100% be masturbating in my hotel room by myself. And there’s nothing more embarrassing than when they pull your fucking suitcase out of the overhead compartment and go Whose is this? And everyone on the plane can hear it vibrating asked me how I know Oh, God, I wish I was there. And it’s and I can’t be like y’all whacking off and I can’t be like that’s my toothbrush cuz I don’t bring me electric Run with me.


Mickey Gordon  1:03:06

Sure, ma’am. That’s your toothbrush. So how do you compare the palm power extreme? And I said that, like, all the keywords are extreme. How do you compare that to the doxy, which is our like most favorite one.


Mallory Gordon  1:03:19

So I love the doxy wand, it’s similar weight, if it were a sword, and I’ve just we’ve watched fortune and fire lately, the balance is different. This is definitely heavier at the head because it’s got a high quality silicone flexible head. And I believe the motor is located right behind it. But it makes the handle nice and light, where the doxy it’s more balanced. You feel like equal weight distribution. Sure. So if I’m masturbating, it’s kind of a toss up between the two. It’s whether I like the standard wand sensation because the docks has got a higher RPM to it. So the vibrations feel different, even on low it’s think about when you’re going down on someone and it’s the same amount of pressure, but the cadence of the tongue flicking changes. I mean, I don’t know if really, as far as physics goes, that’s the best analogy. But that’s all I got right now. The docs is so wonderful. The head is not as flexible on the doxy. This has a little more play to it. But it still has stability. So it’s still firm enough to keep in place. I’ve had vibrators where the head just totally flexes backward. And you have to like write it like a bowl, just to kind of keep it in place if you’re you know, hitting the right spots.


Mickey Gordon  1:04:35

So for straight masturbation. Would you still go with the doxy because of its build quality battery life


Mallory Gordon  1:04:41

sucks is still gonna be one of my favorites, hands down. And I actually think it’s essentially replaced my Hitachi because and I love the Dachi It’s great. It’s just so fucking big. Yes. And then I look at like, like I’m an average size woman. I’m only five five. I say only but that’s another tall For short, I’m right in the middle. But like I think of smaller women with smaller hands trying to use a Hitachi and that’s got to be extremely cumbersome holding times Unless, you know, they’re like, you know, super built and have really strong risks. And, you know, I don’t know like, I’m all about more comfort. I feel like that episode of Grayson, Frankie I can’t even think of it. It’s a Netflix show, I watched with Lily Tomlin and Jane Fonda. And they created this vibrator for old lady older ladies because they have issues with like carpal tunnel and arthritis and everything. And I’m kind of, I’m getting to a point where comfort is, is it important, just as important as quality as well. And that’s why I love the doxy I really like this I actually have only played with myself. So I’m looking forward to a session tonight to see how it does under pressure. So more to come, folks. Yeah, see what I did there. But as a masturbation toy, this is absolutely fantastic. And I would, it’s not so big that I wouldn’t travel with it. I’ve never traveled with my Hitachi even the rechargeable one because it is fairly large and I’m carry on only if I can get away with a girl and this won’t impede that. And it’s got to travel. And it’s got a travel lock which is a big deal. It’s a huge deal. I hate being embarrassed


Mickey Gordon  1:06:18

sorry captain. That’s just my vibrate Yeah, well there you go folks. That is the pomp our extreme that is a toy that is available on casual toys.com you can check it out in our brand new fancy ass search engine. The upper left hand corner if you click search you can even spell that shit wrong. It will bring up the right toy for you at the right time and look for any Yeah, what I love that new search engine Yeah, to use it.


Mallory Gordon  1:06:40

And I’ll tell you what, like the the doxy retails for what $220 Exactly. So it’s a it’s a pretty high end toy. This is half that 103 50 Yes Have that cost and if you reach out or use our ambassador or affiliate links codes, save some cash on it too. So this is so high quality item at a lesser cost. Sure.


Mickey Gordon  1:07:01

I think it’s a great thing. And make sure to check out those ambassadors of ours for casual toys. There’s ambassadors are alleycat and honey spoon in the baby pineapple at twitter. Yeah, you can find them on Twitter. So harass them those ladies have done a great job for us out there just honestly answering questions for you guys. That’s why they’re ambassadors. Yeah, they do a lot with our laundry lines a lot. And we have a lot of kisses back in stock. Oh yeah, lots of kicks. These are back in stock. So that’s kind of a big deal. And also we carry Levin’s now.


Mallory Gordon  1:07:29

Those are so correct me if I’m wrong. Levin’s is one of those Apotex toys that we’ve seen on like only fan sites and like chatterbait and stuff like that we got some pink sticking out of the posi elevens I have a little man in the boat that’s very very pink.


Mickey Gordon  1:07:45

Well that’s that’s loving. But yeah, no Levin’s is she’s right. That’s the chatterbait all the rage because people can control it remotely. And so all the elevens app actually lets you connect to sites like chatterbait Pornhub I think has a plugin for it where you can actually okay you know that connect with your listeners your followers so if you are a creator out there Levin’s make some great products and we carry them all in casual toys.com now that’s awesome. I’m pretty excited about it. You want to tell everybody how to how to find us we can get out of this long you know, you can make it a short one because we’ve only been here about 10 minutes for Toy Box


Mallory Gordon  1:08:19

guys, we fucking missed you. Thanks for hanging in there with us. We’re gonna get you know, get back up to speed here and hold Mickey to his word. We’re casual swinger everywhere. Please feel free to shoot us a note if you have any questions or comments podcasts at casual swinger Comm. You’d find us on social media, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube or on the dating sites. W nation Cassidy SLS in Assisi.


Mickey Gordon  1:08:39

She’s gotten better at it as the episode has gone along. Join us next time, folks, when we’re going to bring our friends the monogamous marriage. You’re going to join us for the next episode. As we wrap up season three. You’ve been listening to the swinger