The Casual Swinger…Diaries? – Where are they now w/ Paige & Penn of ”The Swinger Diaries”

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We sat down with the amazing Paige & Penn from the long running adult lifestyle podcast, “The Swinger Diaries,” where we found out all about what those amazing people have been doing for the last year since they ended their podcast careers and started flying around the country!


Join us as we broadcast from the mountains of Tennessee (and endured a failed board that crushed our audio quality!) and laughed the weekend away with the likes of Average Swingers, Sapphic Swingers, and of course our friends, The Swinger Diaries!



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Mallory Gordon 0:08
You’re listening to the casual swinger podcast. As your hosts, we need to warn you that the material you’re about to hear may be sexual or explicit in nature. This podcast is intended for an adult audience. Now we don’t expect you to act like adults. What’s the fun in that?

Mickey Gordon 0:22
We’re a married couple living in Florida with over 13 years of experience in the lifestyle and we take almost nothing seriously. Casual swingers a variety show many will cover everything from music to events, travel, and even the occasional hilarious screw up. Our show is about entertainment. We’re not licensed professionals at anything. And our stories, commentary and guidance should not be confused with the opinions of a licensed professional.

Mallory Gordon 0:46
Now that you know, let’s take those pants off and get comfy.

Well, hey there everybody. You’re listening to casual swinger? I’m one of your hosts Mallory.

Mickey Gordon 1:04
I’m here to Hi.

Mallory Gordon 1:05
Yeah. Hey, guy. What’s up?

Mickey Gordon 1:07
Oh, yeah, it was a guy last episode, too. Yeah, I

Mallory Gordon 1:09
know. We’re just gonna run with that the rest of the season. I think it seems if

Mickey Gordon 1:13
you don’t know me. I’m not the mouse. I do live in Orlando.

Mallory Gordon 1:16
That’s true. Yeah, good stuff.

Mickey Gordon 1:18
He’s better looking though.

Mallory Gordon 1:19
Speaking of we just got back home.

Mickey Gordon 1:21
Yeah, it was a long talk and drive it not as long as changes day. That that is true. They had a long day. Yeah.

Mallory Gordon 1:27
So for the folks that don’t know, we had a super secret weekend up in Tennessee with some of our favorite people in the universe had an amazing time. And being the adventures we are, we drove the entire way, which was beautiful, but definitely a long drive.

Mickey Gordon 1:42
Yeah, I don’t know if that was our brightest idea ever. But it wasn’t bad. I mean, it was nice. It was a nice drive. Once the clouds cleared. Like, for whatever reason, the clouds just settled over us and it was just this gray, very Caucasian weekend.

Mallory Gordon 1:55
Okay, you’re gonna have to clarify Caucasian,

Mickey Gordon 1:57
whitest fucking place I’ve ever been. I mean, I grew up in the country. It was I grew. I mean, this was

Mallory Gordon 2:05
where we in the astonishing the foothills of the Smokies Is that what you would call

Mickey Gordon 2:09
forage for the most part it Yeah, it was

Mallory Gordon 2:11
predominantly Caucasian a little

Mickey Gordon 2:14
predominantly my fucking ass it was every box in the crayon was that pasty white color? Yeah,

Mallory Gordon 2:19
it’s it always freaks me out and I can’t imagine being you know a different you know, color creed. Right and

Mickey Gordon 2:28
for gas and what happened? I don’t know. The

Mallory Gordon 2:30
mountains in and of itself. The area geographically speaking was absolutely beautiful. The house gorgeous full. I had an amazing weekend. Yeah, it

Mickey Gordon 2:37
was really cool. So this whole super secret weekend was put together by Angie from average swingers and it included us in sapphic Swingers, Rachel and Tiff. And also the super secret, you know, three guests, the mystery guests who flew themselves in on their own plane.

Mallory Gordon 2:54
I need to stop doing drum rolls. No drumroll, please. All right. It sounds like really bad Tapper. No, I don’t know that. That’s what I was looking for. But

Mickey Gordon 3:04
close, like where my head’s at. Okay, how about this one?

Mallory Gordon 3:08
That’s better. That’s what I need before I go to bed tonight. Okay, well,

Mickey Gordon 3:11
this swinger diaries joined us in all of their sexy awesomeness. And you know, this episode, I think we’re gonna call it the casual swinger diaries. Oh, yeah. Yeah, why not? Let’s do it. Oh, yeah. And that super secret special guest joined us for an interview coming up here in a little bit, which we’re very excited about. So they joined us and we’ll talk about that more here in a minute. But double date nation was supposed to join us but they couldn’t make it do it emergency in their family. So we wish them the best and we hope they’re doing really well. And we missed them to pieces that weekend. We can call them quiet and kinky too.

Mallory Gordon 3:46
That’s true there they had quiet and Kiki podcast now.

Mickey Gordon 3:50
Yeah, don’t even end countability nation calm, quiet kinky. Just don’t call them out of monster weed or late for dinner. Yes, I agree. But you know, Angie did pick an absolutely amazing cabin. That was bougie as shit.

Mallory Gordon 4:02
I kind of like being bougie. Yeah. Yeah, that’s a word we hear quite a bit over the weekend do

Mickey Gordon 4:08
Yeah. It was mostly page pages. Like, you know, I get it. I’m kind of bougie we’re like, yeah, definitely. I don’t think she used the word bougie I can remember what the word she was.

Mallory Gordon 4:17
I can’t remember but I it’s one of the words when you hear it so many times like eight gets stuck in your gullet or stuck in your brain and you start using it.

Mickey Gordon 4:25
Yeah, that’s definitely the case. But that was really awesome. I do think, however, that Rachel is still clutching the steering wheel in her driveway. She got back to Fort Lauderdale and she can’t get out of the car because she can’t release the steering I

Mallory Gordon 4:37
realize and I guess this comes from living in Virginia as long as we did that a lot of people are uncomfortable on roads like that because they were super windy. Some of them pretty steep. You know, you’re blind corners and you know, not hairpin turns with some tight turns in there. And for me after living with you all those years it was I’m kinda like, Oh, it feels like oh,

Mickey Gordon 4:57
she loves Oh

Mallory Gordon 4:59
man. I can see their white knuckles from the bottom of the hill.

Mickey Gordon 5:03
Oh yeah, so funny. We’re leaving we’re gonna go get some lunch like you guys can ride with us and they’re like, Oh no, we’re going down the hill one more time and we’re leaving. Now granted

Mallory Gordon 5:11
they when they came up the weather was not good. It was pouring down rain the wind was blowing so the trees in from the balcony were rocking and bending over a lightning strike that was right off the edge of the porch. And that’s that’s what they were driving up in. So if you’re not used to it, plus that out of weather I totally get why it’s a little nerve racking but I anyway, I’m so

Mickey Gordon 5:31
crazy. It was so fun just hanging out those two and the cable shut up and they left

Mallory Gordon 5:35
Yeah, and we used to see Piper that’s was probably the best part about it is they had arrived they did this whole like bid with a delivering the pizza, which was fucking hilarious. Oh my gosh. And you were in another room you come out. And you saw their dog Piper first? Your face. I’ll never forget it. You thought you’d lost your fucking mind.

Mickey Gordon 5:57
I literally did. And y’all were so fucking entertained. You should have had sympathy for me. So I was in another room, guys. You know what I was, I was in the bathroom. So I come out of the bathroom. It wasn’t expecting humans are much less a canine. There was no dog there when I went into the bathroom. And I thought somehow, maybe I came out and my faculties had finally checked the fuck out. So I looked down. And there’s this fuzzy, cute little dog standing at my feet. And so I said, Well, that’s unusual, because I wasn’t sure that anyone else could fucking see it. And then I’m like, wait a minute. I know that dog. That dog is Piper. So wait a minute if that’s Piper were the girls and then being up the steps pop two lesbians. Yeah, that was great. Which was just fucking crazy. What about that breakfast?

Mallory Gordon 6:44
Oh my gosh. Alright, so

Mickey Gordon 6:47
Penn and Paige made breakfast for everybody one morning and I don’t know that I’ve had

Mallory Gordon 6:54
rideable I felt like a princess. So it was pornographic for me because I fucking love breakfast food. I would eat breakfast food every meal of the day. I eat it for dinner when you like you’re in a town because I just love it so much. And it’s different when someone else makes it for you. That’s why I love it when we go out to breakfast. Yeah, because you’re not a breakfast person. Would you make me eggs? Yes. Would they be edible?

Mickey Gordon 7:18
Up for I don’t know what a good eggs tastes? Because I liked them.

Mallory Gordon 7:21
Exactly. You don’t eat them. So I’d never say Hey, make me something you don’t know how to make or enjoy eating a breakfast. That’s a bad recipe recipe for disaster very rarely.

Mickey Gordon 7:31
But I gotta tell you that it was the best breakfast I’ve ever eaten. If that was how breakfast always tasted I would eat it.

Mallory Gordon 7:37
I mean, literally. I was getting wet. Like eating my omelette. Here that pen Yeah, you’re wet. erased.

Mickey Gordon 7:44
So good. Just crazy. So crazy. So good. I would like you to talk a little bit about the jug band that you started with the ng

Mallory Gordon 7:51
i don’t know what you’re talking about. I have a video now. There is a video fuck off. It exists. It’s never coming out. It’ll never come to light. I will see your pants off.

Mickey Gordon 8:01
Mallory dot only checkout.

Mallory Gordon 8:05
So the last night there may have over indulged a little bit. We had a kitchen where jug band like you said I think I got out cheese grater and a wooden spoon and some regular spoons and a bowl for a Bongo and I wonder

Mickey Gordon 8:21
if he’s gonna lose a positive

Mallory Gordon 8:24
down because I shredded the wooden spoon of

Mickey Gordon 8:26
the wooden spoon into a toothpick. Like you were just sitting there shredding a church.

Mallory Gordon 8:32
I couldn’t decide if I wanted it to be a washboard or a cowbell.

Mickey Gordon 8:37
Depending on the song. Yeah,

Mallory Gordon 8:39
I really needed a tambourine. I couldn’t find anything. Jesus tambourine was really sad because the day before I got overindulge as well there’s a theme here is we’re hanging out with Janie yes the fucking theme and so I took Jays empty beer cans and I put almonds and salt in them so that you know almonds clinking around them there were would be too loud. So I put some salt to kind of dampen the effect. And they were pretty fucking good maracas and I set all of this up the day before and then totally forgot about it. 20 minutes later

Mickey Gordon 9:09
yet drunk. You remember that? You wanted to start a jug band?

Mallory Gordon 9:11
Yeah, why wouldn’t you start a band like in general just have a single so

Mickey Gordon 9:15
everyone abandon you, buddy and G so the two of you started a duet Yeah, because Andy’s

Mallory Gordon 9:19
your ride or die kind of girl like you want to do this bitch. I’m in go get it? I was like, Okay, I have drunk enough to absolutely go through with this. Y’all did I do remember to stepping before went to bed too or just dancing in general. Maybe he was too stuffy. I finally

Mickey Gordon 9:34
drugged your drunk ass to bed. Yeah, you flopped down naked on the bed. You look at me and you’re like, I want to have sex. And I looked at you your eyeballs look like the fucking wheel on a slot machine. There’s not anything and all I saw was xx xx, xx xx and that’s not the good Triple X. That’s triple O.

Mallory Gordon 9:52
And I remember when you text me about it. I actually hate getting that drunk. I’ve never I never have that. intentions of doing it. But it snuck up on me. Yeah, so

Mickey Gordon 10:04
it was gonna cool. Well, you know what, I gotta talk about swinger diaries for a minute. Okay. Yes. Well, that’s kind of the reason we’re here. And it’s the reason we’re gonna do this the casual swinger diaries. Yes. It’s just just a ridiculous it’s so much fun. We did get to record with them. You know, I honestly, I have so much respect for them that I really kind of thought they were going to tell us No, when I was like, Hey, guys, I brought my word you want to record? Yeah,

Mallory Gordon 10:26
I got a new toy. You want to be my friend? Well, the problem is,

Mickey Gordon 10:28
it wasn’t a new toy. It was a toy that fucking died while we were there, and it was dying, rather while we were there. And I didn’t know it till after we recorded. And I think the thing that embarrasses me the most is they were so great. They were so gracious. And they were so effortless. And they were so

Mallory Gordon 10:46
good. Casting even complimented our general like,

Mickey Gordon 10:49
yeah, that hurts my feelings because this is the worst audio quality of any episode we’ve ever released.

Mallory Gordon 10:54
I did it. I had the thought when he said it. I was like, Wouldn’t it be funny if? Oh, no. So I it’s my fault. I fucking Ching says Yeah.

Mickey Gordon 11:04
So here’s what happened, the board that could the center of our board that we used to record started to die. And it created a background noise on Penn and I’s audio channels. So I went in to try to fix it. And when I went in to try to fix it, I kind of fucked it all up. So the girls in particular, their audio kind of sounds funny like their voices are trailing off really hard during the interview. So I apologize for that guys. I apologize dependent page. I apologize to everybody out there that’s listening, who loves pen and page and feels like this sounds like shit. You’re right. It does. And I apologize profusely. It it happens we got a new board, by the way. We’re recording on it right now. I ordered it and had it in for overnight delivery to make sure we weren’t late to release this episode. But that happened in his socked. Sorry about that. Mistakes were made.

Mallory Gordon 11:53
It happens now you had mentioned something about your conversation with him. Right?

Mickey Gordon 11:59
Yeah, you know, I sent him a text message about it to do which I did, because I felt like he deserved to know. And, you know, he’s so gracious of a person that he responded almost immediately, you know, which was great. But we kind of were sitting around having like a sewing circle of podcasters. And I really don’t know what it was like group therapy. And it was it was like sharing time or something. And it just, you know, pen started a conversation that was really kind of centered around why we do this. Like, why did you start it? Why did you? Why do you keep doing it? What keeps you going? That is not followers? That is not money? That’s not notoriety? What are the reasons why we podcast in the first place? I mean, why don’t I go out and spend $600 on a new board and then have it overnighted to make sure we weren’t late for our followers, right? And our listeners, which I mean, there’s like three, but why did we do that? And I can tell you that the week before this trip, I probably wouldn’t have done that. Then matter of fact, 45 minutes before this conversation, I wouldn’t have done that. So it was a very powerful conversation for me. And it was really, really well timed, I think. So I really appreciate Penn for that. I appreciate that he created this conversation. And you know, Jay and Angie are just so freakin smart. And so good to talk to you. But it’s nice to get some other voices too, that we don’t get to see as often as maybe we could CJ and Angie, because we got out of our way to see them because we love him to death. They’re just really cool. And I appreciated him for that. And I think that I understand why people love them as much as they did. It makes a lot of sense.

Mallory Gordon 13:36
I love that. Something as I don’t want to say random, but as unplanned and spontaneous is that conversation was so impactful for you and especially in a positive way. So that was a big takeaway for me,

Mickey Gordon 13:50
too. Hey, we have an event coming up. And it is a casual branded event that you guys can attend. We are announcing it right here. Live in River City. Not kidding. It’s actually Orlando, but whatever. It’s going to be fun.

Mallory Gordon 14:02
Yeah, come have some casual Cox with us. I mean, you forgot you know what I mean? We’re not having casual cock. Yeah, no, we’re doing an event. It’s called the casual cocktail. This event is a virtual so you don’t have to go anywhere. You can do it from the comfort of your home. Actually, we prefer that. Because if you do it in public may be a little awkward. So this is what two hours long that we’re planning.

Mickey Gordon 14:26
We’re planning it to be about two hours long. It may run over if it runs over because we’re hanging out having a good time now. That’s fine. No big deal. Yep. So what is it? The casual cocktail is a cocktail event from home that we are hosting with our own bartender. This bartender is hilarious. He’s so much fun. And he’s an expert at making drinks with whiskey.

Mallory Gordon 14:47
He’s got an awesome name to Amadeus.

Mickey Gordon 14:49

Mallory Gordon 14:50
Come on,

Mickey Gordon 14:51
Camilla Amadeus. Cocktail, Me Amadeus. But what you’re gonna get is you’re gonna get a box shipped to your house, with some casual cocked Your goodies in everything you and your partner need to make three whiskey based drinks

Mallory Gordon 15:06
except for the whiskey because we cannot ship whiskey to all 50 states,

Mickey Gordon 15:11
we can ship whiskey everywhere. We didn’t want to stick you with a particular whiskey. We’ve done plenty of episodes on different whiskies, by all means go grab one of them, grab two of them, grab all of them for all I care. I can use any of them.

Mallory Gordon 15:22
Yep. And we’re happy to give recommendations. In fact, over the course of the next couple episodes, we’ll throw a few out there as we continue to talk about on the event. But feel free to reach out to us if you have a question about it. It’s going to be on Thursday, June 16, at 8pm. Eastern. So hopefully most of you folks can join. As Mickey said it is for two people. And that cost of the event is $99 per couple so there’ll be enough in there for the both of us to each have three drinks.

Mickey Gordon 15:49
Yeah, and guys, that sounds like a lot of money for a virtual event. I’m just gonna put it out here right now. We’re not making shit.

Mallory Gordon 15:55
Yeah. Just so we can hang out with you and do something fun. Yeah. Oh, fun fact. For anyone that shows up in lingerie. We’re gonna enter you into a raffle we’re gonna give away what two items?

Mickey Gordon 16:06
Yes, we are. We’re gonna give away a guy’s item and a girl’s item. Both of them will be Wow tech, we’ve I you know, something like that. So I’m thinking an arc wave for the guys and maybe a womanizer for the ladies. Yeah,

Mallory Gordon 16:16
I mean, it’s, you know, we’re on the cusp of summer in the middle of June, Father’s Day, this weekend, we just had thirty’s laundry I’m sure. You know, ladies and gentlemen can can pull something out. It doesn’t have to be super sexy. It can be something you’re just comfy. And we’ll call it like a summer party. That’s

Mickey Gordon 16:30
the casual cocktail Slumber Party show up in lingerie. That way, you’re already half naked. Because once you’re toasted, then you can just go take advantage of each other back in the privacy of your own bedrooms. But if you’re interested in doing this, check out casual Casual cocktail. Or you can just go to V casual This website is going live on Wednesday of this week, that is Wednesday the 11th of May. So Wednesday, the 11th of May you’ll be able to go to casual Casual cocktail, or www dot the casual And now you’ll be able to buy your tickets. Again. They’re $99 apiece. And we’re gonna get together and do some cocktails on June 16 at 8pm Eastern time. Now I know that’s a little early for you west coasters, but frankly any later and all of our friends over here would be in bed. So what else we got going on we during the fall I’m

Mallory Gordon 17:26
so fucking excited about this because we literally just booked this today and I really I’m excited to say that we are heading to not ignore Orleans knowledge. Sorry, Nolen Orleans in July last time we went was back in 2018.

Mickey Gordon 17:41
Well, Washington we went Council Springer just started we

Mallory Gordon 17:44
were infants we were

Mickey Gordon 17:45
noobs we went in there with so much whack. We handed out casual swinger everything. Yeah, we were a little bit like Oprah. We went fucking crazy. I think we’re still going to bring some of our goodies because we have a bunch of shit to give away. So why not? Maybe we’ll give it some koozies and some sunglasses and

Mallory Gordon 17:59
function. I’m very excited to see some of our friends meet new friends who some people haven’t seen in a while it’s going to be great.

Mickey Gordon 18:05
You know that that’s the thing that I think there’s so many people in the lifestyle that are so excited to get out and do something fun. This is in New Orleans. It’s a super, super, super fun time. It’s obviously a very famous event. There’s a lot of great parties. We’re going in early on Wednesday to make sure you get to do the luxury party because you look so goddamn good in it. I think it’s gonna be one that hey, if you haven’t booked naughty and you want to book naughty and you want to go with us, I recommend that you use our friend Kate’s link. Kate’s link is wonderlust If you can’t spell naughty that’s okay. I won’t make fun of you this time it is na UGHTY So when wonderla You can use Kate’s code and get yourself in to Nadia Nolan’s income with us and average swingers are going to be there swinger diaries are going to be there. Kate is going to be there. Obviously. She’s bringing her ass over from the Netherlands.

Mallory Gordon 18:57
It’s gonna be a good time and it’s gonna be incredible. So hope to see you guys there. Yes, please indicate yes. I mean, we’re in the final weeks leading up to podcast to Palooza so PCAP is right around the corner for us in Palm Springs. And there’s something great that we want to announce to our listeners and our patrons for casual toys.

Mickey Gordon 19:15
Oh my gosh. Yes. So, you know, casual toys, is a sponsor of PCAP. We’re a big promoter of PCAP and frankly PCAP and wanderlust have been damn good to us.

Mallory Gordon 19:26
Yes, we want to have we want to return the favor. So we have a deal for anyone that wants to book last minute.

Mickey Gordon 19:33
That’s right. Because you know, you’ve got a couple of weeks left. I think we’re down to like 25 days or something like that. There are a few rooms left. So we had a thought. Here’s what we’re going to do to help you guys make a great decision. Starting tomorrow, Tuesday the 10th Anybody that books PCAP from Tuesday the 10th through May 31. Gets 10% off their room courtesy of us casual toys to casual toys is going to cover 10% of your room. Look, I love it. And this is a letter back to PCAP.

Mallory Gordon 20:09
Yeah. Do you need anything else to make the decision to go?

Mickey Gordon 20:11
Yeah, it’s one of those things where, you know, obviously, Kate adds so much value, she puts so much work into this thing. She’s never gonna give a discount on it. I’m like, You know what they’ve given so much to us. They give so much to us. And our people gave so much to us with 30 days of laundry we wanted to give back. So this is our way of giving back 10% We will cover 10% of the cost. If you booked between tomorrow and may 31. I think we’re going to do up to 10 rooms. So up to 10 rooms, we’re going to cover 10% of the room.

Mallory Gordon 20:41
Okay, so first 10 People starting on the 10th 10% off yeah, until the end of the month of May.

Mickey Gordon 20:47
And the way you get it is you put in code love toys,

Mallory Gordon 20:52
L O V E to y s

Mickey Gordon 20:54
that is correct. choice. If you put in love toys as your code, we will pay 10% of your room booking.

Mallory Gordon 21:03
All righty, really. So I love it.

Mickey Gordon 21:05
I’m excited about that. I’m excited to do it. I’m excited to make this a part of keycaps lore and make this the best goddamn podcast Palooza we’ve ever been to in Palm Springs, California.

Mallory Gordon 21:16
Let’s do this. It’s gonna be so much wild in the desert.

Mickey Gordon 21:19
So before we jump into that, though, there’s one more quick thing we got to talk about. Right? There’s a survey out there.

Mallory Gordon 21:24
Yes. So anyone on Twitter swingers help. We have a state of play survey and specifically, women if you’re listening, they need your help as well. It’s predominantly been filled out by men and men, please feel free to go ahead and and fill it out. But we really need the ladies perspective as well. So if you have some time, please take it to fill it out. I did it myself personally. It took me 10 minutes. Okay. And that was me like really thinking about my answers.

Mickey Gordon 21:51
All right, well, that makes perfect sense. And I mean, it’s wingers help if you don’t know them on Twitter. They’re friends of ours are super fantastic. Their wealth of knowledge. And this survey kind of helps contribute to them talking about how the lifestyle is growing over time, right?

Mallory Gordon 22:03
Yes, exactly.

Mickey Gordon 22:04
Right. We’ll check that out. Let’s get on with the sexy, sweet, amazing and by the way, haven’t podcasted in a year swinger diaries. You guys want to hear from these folks? Let’s do it. Let’s do it. All right, Mallory, you want to tell folks where to find us?

Mallory Gordon 22:22
Sure. We are casual swinger everywhere. You can find us a casual If you want to shoot us a note that’s podcast at casual We’re on social media, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. And if you want to check us out in the dating sites, it’s STC SLS Cassidy and double date nation.

Mickey Gordon 22:37
She’s so good at that. Alright, folks, we’re gonna be back in just a second with the amazing pen and page. You’ve been listening to casual swinger diaries.

And welcome back to is this hour episode. I just feel like it doesn’t know that sounded

very familiar casual diaries. That’s awesome. I know. I’m so excited. We

have some really special guests

today. Yeah, very much. So everybody, welcome our friends. And we happen to stumble across these guys in the great state of Tennessee. Hey, John Penn from the swinger diaries. Guys, how are you?

Penn Swinger Diaries 23:29
We’re well, thank you for having us. So excited to have the microphone in front of our mouths.

Paige Swinger Diaries 23:33
Again, a fancy microphone at bow.

Penn Swinger Diaries 23:35
Oh my gosh. So for all of you out there who are listening, I’m here to tell you, if you listen to our show, you know we prided ourselves on saying it is a low budget version, like all we did was buy this cheap little, you know, microphone at the grocery store with a cheap little recorder. And then like cheap microphones from amazon for like 30 bucks and just plugged him in. And that’s and then everything from there at the audio was okay, it was only because afterwards, we would edit, edit, edit to make it look good. But I’m sitting in front of the portable casuals from your studios. And it’s like the super fancy microphones and where those goofy ear things, headphones, like we don’t have we are totally Tech, we totally do that.

Mickey Gordon 24:18
And we don’t so we can hear each other and I do it so I can hear like Echo or background noise or things like that. But we’re friends,

Penn Swinger Diaries 24:25
I’m not going to deny that page and our listeners to your show and we appreciate just like your listeners do difference in the quality of the audio it does for listeners, you know we we appreciate it. Thank you for what you do, and more than

Paige Swinger Diaries 24:37
what we did. We can not compare.

Mickey Gordon 24:41
Well, but you know, obviously, first of all, my name is Mickey. If you guys don’t know who the hell we are, at this point, if you’ve read frankly, if you’re just discovering the show, you’re probably like who the hell is swinger diaries because you guys have been gone for a year now.

Paige Swinger Diaries 24:53
Yeah, we actually pulled the pack podcast last March and we are in retirement phase. So Oh, it’s nice. It’s fun. Were enjoying retirement. Sure. Does

Mickey Gordon 25:04
that mean you guys get to be naked around your house now?

Penn Swinger Diaries 25:07
Well, so two parts of retirement happen for us. So number one, of course is for those who don’t know, I’ll just recap for a quick second we are, if you’ve never heard of swinger diaries before, we certainly aren’t insulted. We had a lifestyle based podcast that we recorded for about six years. It started in 2014, and recorded for about six and a half years. And we made the announcement in all of 2020 that we would be ending the show and then we did about a half a dozen episodes to tie it up. And then we released our last episode in the spring of 2021. And then part of our way is that we’re very private people. We didn’t want our children to ever find it. We don’t want our I don’t want my secretary to ever find it wouldn’t want my mom to hear on. page likes orgasms, Auggie. And so as a result, we made the determination and told everybody that we would be ending the show and retiring it. And so it has been removed. So if you’ve, you’re hearing this, you’re thinking like, oh, I should go listen to this virus, maybe they’re interesting. Marginally. We, you won’t find it, we’ve pulled it down. So

Paige Swinger Diaries 26:21
you can send us an email, I know what people are looking for it or got through some episodes, and then we took it all down and they can’t finish it. If you want to hear it. Feel free to send us an email to our swinger [email protected]. We do have a link. Okay.

Mickey Gordon 26:35
There you go. So now we know how to find the last episodes. But you know, it’s funny. And again, first of all, thank you for being a listener of what we do. But I was a listener of you guys, as well as you were one of the first swinger podcasts that that I discovered. And I really enjoyed it. And in a lot of ways when I listened to you guys a show that helped me form what casual swinger became, right? Because it was there if you guys heard that, that was a chair being dragged across the floor. Excuse me. Look forward. It was just someone pulling something across the floor upstairs. Because we’re in a cabin. And you’re Pigeon Forge, Tennessee.

Penn Swinger Diaries 27:16
We’re having like a ringer podcast summit retreat. Yeah, awesome.

Mickey Gordon 27:23
It is super cool. This was so much fun. And

Paige Swinger Diaries 27:25
I remember laugh so hard in my life.

Mickey Gordon 27:28
I got into her ab workout this weekend, and it was my off weekend. Go me,

you know, I found out that I have ABS this weekend because I was really excited. This is super cool. But I just want to thank you guys, for all you put into your show. I feel like this, frankly, this is the space is worse without you. You guys are stories and you guys insights, you guys are so analytical, and you really do put a lot of thought into the conversations that you had on your show. Absolutely. And what I wanted to ask you guys is Do you still have those conversations together? Because you had to put your heads together to put some of that that content together and get out in front of folks. You guys still sit around and have conversations kind of like you were on the show? How do you do? I know it brings us together does it do the same for you and how did you replace it?

Paige Swinger Diaries 28:13
Now we do miss that part of it somewhat. He does not miss editing and did that and that was never fun. We do miss the interaction we had because of the way our show was we listeners writing in answers to questions or writing in questions. So we missed that interaction with people out in the lifestyle world. But we don’t miss editing and recording it but we still do talk all of course because there’s so many new situations and this year since we’ve been off recording we still run into new situations fun situations, sexy situations and you have to talk about

Penn Swinger Diaries 28:50
the listening it’s like you it builds up inside you like it bubbles up and you want to wait to release it because you have all these amazing cool stories and you’re thinking we lived it in our minds but it’s only fun if you can share it and tell it to other people so we miss being able to kind of let that out that’s definitely true. But I think that the conversations that we are still having no show was an awesome thing for us and for all of you listeners out there who listen to this show probably other Lifestyle Podcast too. You realize that it takes some work to put it in but the number one for us at least the number one benefit of the compensation for the time that was put in was the relationships that you build with all the people it’s it is you It’s you listeners, it’s you became Mallory our friends who we have never would have never met if not for the show. So we miss that it it’s an easy way to make friends with people who you know have something in common with us because they’ve heard some horror stories. So we do miss that and we that hasn’t gone away though we’re still happy to say you know, people are out there that recognize our voices or want to hear more of our stories or just want to meet up for cocktail. We’re we’re we travel a lot so we are always looking for

Paige Swinger Diaries 29:59
yeah I think one of the sad part is we felt so connected to the other podcasters in the community. And now we feel like we’re pretenders like podcasters anymore, but we’re still we’re still hanging on to that thread of like, we want to be in that circle.

Penn Swinger Diaries 30:18
So anyway, super fun. But this is, it is a exciting transitional time of life for us for the two reasons that you already said. One was that they, we did retire the show. And that was a fantastic six and a half years of our life. And we enjoyed it. And we put it away without anybody ever finding it. And we were able to take our chips off the table and walk away the way we wanted to, instead of getting, getting the alternatives. So it was great for us, and we’re out in happiness. And yet, we’re on to the next stage of our life. Because this is a super exciting time for us just like a lot of people kind of our stage of life, which is that our youngest went off to college in the fall, which meant that we were empty nesters,

Mallory Gordon 31:07
for the first time, we are so close. So I’m going to call you for notes. To do

Paige Swinger Diaries 31:13
for us, I think it’s actually like a reverse honeymoon. Like you’re in that honeymoon phase again, in your home. Like you can, you can be naked whenever you want sex on the table all the time,

Mickey Gordon 31:26
in the afternoon to have sex on the couch. I mean, you can

Penn Swinger Diaries 31:32
every night have dinner with everyone go to you know, walk down and have cocktails or something like that the local bar, we can do anything you want. And it’s so much more freedom and flexibility. And, and we were of course proud. We mentioned on the show, we have six children. And so we’re obviously they’re all happy and healthy and grown out of the house, which is great. So we decided is just a note is that we decided in the fall that we were going to celebrate with a victory lap around the country. And we’re going to do one sexy vacation every single month for a year. So 12 Sexy vacations, one a month for a year. And it would begin last August. And we’re you know, in that mode right now. So we are traveling all over. The reason why we’re here. I know it’s super fun. We’re getting our victory lap in and we have seen some awesome fun things. And it’s the reason why we’re excited to have microphones on our face. Because we don’t get to tell anybody.

Mickey Gordon 32:26
I love it. I want to go back to what you said about the appreciation you had for having the podcast and the symptom being meeting people in the community in the Creator space because that was something we didn’t anticipate. And I agree with you 100% And when these sexy vacations are taking is that allowing you to interact and meet more people and kind of backfill what you’re really missing? Not having the podcast like tell us a little bit more about the sexy vacations are you are you meeting people?

Paige Swinger Diaries 32:59
Yeah, we are. And like what we did the bliss cruise in November, of course, it was a huge 4400 people or something like that. I don’t know. It was crazy busy. But we met lots of new friends. Lots of new podcasters that are out there on the boat so we had a chance to meet them and it still had people emailing us like we know you’re going on this cruise Are you going to have a meet and greet? Me by the bar.

Penn Swinger Diaries 33:25
Yeah, I think you’re definitely right about that. Because we all know those of us sitting around this table but listeners know too that when we first started podcasting now would have been 70 years ago now there were very few shows and that was part of the motivation for us was we felt like there wasn’t anybody you know, giving the message of hey, we’re stable, comfortable sure reasonable well adjusted successful couple who just want to have a little bit of sexy fun I mean that’s all it was for us and you shouldn’t be our message of course always was you shouldn’t be afraid of this as we were before we got into it lifestyle is not full of freaks and weirdos and perverts it’s it is actually very well adjusted very comfortable on people. We’re just having a little bit of fun and so that when we want to get that message out there was so few shows back then that we’re doing it in today’s world, though, and I know you know this. I mean, the genre has exploded there are literally hundreds of podcasts, many of whom are giving the same message in many cases much better than we could so we’re happy to bow out you we felt like we contributed our message and are so many good shows now. And so many some not so good just let’s just say that are out there that are able to give that message so it’s a very crowded space, but we didn’t know now you got lots of resources,

Paige Swinger Diaries 34:50
but the lifestyle is a wonderful world and you go to desire, cetaceans, any resort hotel takeovers, it’s still easy to meet people Everybody wants friends. You can never have enough friends ever hear hear

Mickey Gordon 35:05
I say it all the time, I feel so lucky to have discovered and been supported in this community because I don’t know how I would make an adult. If I took the lifestyle away. We don’t live in a culture where you can buddy up to the lady in the checkout line, especially in Florida, because we don’t even make eye contact with each other. Like that’s, that’s a no, no, we just don’t do that. So if it weren’t for the lifestyle, I just don’t know how I would supplement that.

Paige Swinger Diaries 35:30
Yeah, and as a woman, especially and I think when your kids leave the house to you don’t have that automatic the common thread with Yeah, but you’re kind of you kind of get kicked out of that a little bit. And

Mickey Gordon 35:42
I’ve I was never a mom’s cool person. Groups of women always scared me because they were never up to good. There’s always been backing going on. They’re

Penn Swinger Diaries 35:51
definitely true in them lifestyle, we all know, is this the opposite? The opposite. It’s completely supportive of each other, particularly among women, women, competence boosting lifestyle is so those of you who are just not sure if it’s something you want to do is a awesome thing for women in their personal confidence. But I think that the when we on our show, you know, we would ask questions. In each episode, we’d ask questions about listeners ready and answers. And one of the questions that we ask them to show is how can you swears, like in the wild, you’re not in a lifestyle party? How would you spot someone who’s in the wild? And a lot of answers that come back to us with things like, you know, they dress a little provocatively, they care much more about their physical appearance, they care much more about their health and their body consciousness. And the other big thing that people would say is, if you are over 40, and you’re still making new friends, you’re not going to the swinger. Once you go for 40, you just I mean, Richard kids, I met the kids, you know, friends, soccer game, or whatever, and they become my friends, because my kids, parents friends, are there for that, like, still have them any opportunities unless your lifestyle and you’re out there looking for ways to make new friends? It’s a great, it’s a huge byproduct of being in the lifestyle.

Mickey Gordon 37:07
People ask me that question. And my answer is always well, is your wife bucking them? Chances are, they’re probably a pretty safe bet. So you guys have another thing you do. And I think you started doing your show was still in the air if I recall, which was you started a quest some time ago to knock the bottom out of the beautiful age in every state in this country. Yeah, that’s cool. How’s that going?

Penn Swinger Diaries 37:33
Well, that’s true. So as a little bit of background there, we announced initial announcement, but everyone’s life changes and you grow in time you develop new hobbies, and one of the new hobbies that we pick up is our video aviation, where I learned how to fly. And we bought a little airplane. And so that plane has a lot of stuff really explore and we go all the time now we’re empty nesters. And we have an airplane can go anywhere we want. So we have a spectacular fun time. So it was Paige who came up with the idea.

Paige Swinger Diaries 38:03
Yeah, our deal was we’re going to have sex in every state. That’s the goal. So the plane allows us to do that. So in August, we went and did all the East Coast, the Northeast post, so we did main, Delaware, Connecticut, New Hampshire, I said you better be ready, because we had six days and five days. So I said you need to be ready, like eat extra protein or I don’t know, whatever. You

Mickey Gordon 38:28
qualify this for me though. Duplo jobs count. Is it to completion? I mean, do you just stick it in? We have always

Paige Swinger Diaries 38:36
orgasms every time. That’s true. Not always with each other. Like your style.

Penn Swinger Diaries 38:47
definitely true that that trip to New England was the first of our 12 Sexy trips, one in every month. And that was our August trip. And on that trip, we landed in New Hampshire. And we got up in the morning. She said, Kate, let’s go we have to have sex. And so we had sex. And then we flew over to Connecticut. She’s like, tonight we’re gonna have sex. But in between, we’re gonna go over to this club in Rhode Island, which was supposed Oh, yeah. One club is really nice in Providence, Rhode Island. And so like I had sex that morning, they were going to the club, we got to have sex there. And then we come back to the next hotel. We have to have sex that night. And I was like, what bullet

Paige Swinger Diaries 39:28
to that club, which actually is a very nice club, and I would recommend checking it out. They have a huge social area, like heard of this place, like the dance floor is very small. The social area is huge and nice because you can talk and then they have the play rooms and I was kind of like

Mickey Gordon 39:44
a swinger school where you can talk.

Yeah, I know. No, that’s actually normally surely you just

Paige Swinger Diaries 39:49
it’s a huge social part of it. But we were more like we can’t really meet friends. We have to have sex and so like we must have sex in this club.

Mickey Gordon 40:00
Yeah, did you look down at your dick and it looked up to you and whimpered?

Penn Swinger Diaries 40:05
We got back from that. Yeah, that trip all the way around. It was it was fully satisfied and maybe a little raw,

Paige Swinger Diaries 40:10
but would have hit 42 states. Oh, on the way we’re hoping to hit some more.

Penn Swinger Diaries 40:17
The month after that in September our trip was we were going to meet friends along the way, our Topaz Convention, which was in Phoenix, Scottsdale. And so we made a trip where we flew to Oklahoma, I mean that a new couple and we had an awesome time in Oklahoma with them at their house and tons of sexy fun, met new friends. And then we flew from there and we went to to Albuquerque, which we had a fantastic time met friends there stayed at their house and super sexy friends. Then we went to our little convention out in Phoenix, and we were able to fly to Dallas where we met more sexy friends have an amazing time with them all the way back home. So in September our trip was knocking states off the list Oklahoma and New Mexico

Mallory Gordon 41:06
Do you have a punchcard? A map? A big canvas

Paige Swinger Diaries 41:11
map in our home? No.

Penn Swinger Diaries 41:12
And my kids got it for us. Yeah,

Mickey Gordon 41:14
our kids did it for dirty thing. Well,

Paige Swinger Diaries 41:17
we put her love it colored pins on it. Like we landed you know, the black pin means we had sex.

Mickey Gordon 41:24
Oh my god. Like little dick sheet. That’s fantastic. So are we doing the lower 48? Are you guys going to do Alaska and Hawaii and then when you get done you’re like booklets.

Puerto Rico, the Bahamas.

Paige Swinger Diaries 41:39
We are going I’m hoping that the lifestyle cruises to Alaska come back. We’d really like to do that in Alaska. And of course we’ll do why but we’re not flying our plane to why it’s too far.

Mickey Gordon 41:49
So but we will love the water.

Paige Swinger Diaries 41:51

Penn Swinger Diaries 41:52
let’s Yeah, I like sitting in the back and you know, drinking champagne and watching the movie. You can’t do that. Yeah, that’s right. So that was awesome September and then in October, we continue our tour, we went to friction, the friction party, so sorry. For those of you who are they’re really a very popular group parties all over the eastern half of the US. In Ohio Stadium in Pennsylvania. We actually went down to Raleigh Durham didn’t meet the Halloween party for friction. So that was super sexy and fun. And, you know, friction parties are the one thing that everyone knows about. The crowd is sexy. It’s good looking crowd and it was super awesome. You really develop

Mickey Gordon 42:33
that branding out I think they do an excellent job.

Paige Swinger Diaries 42:37
The best part about that party in North Carolina is the hotel was like a Marriott

Mickey Gordon 42:42
that’s never happened there. No, we just talked about this.

Most hotel takeovers are sketchy because Yeah, cuz tell people Yeah, exactly. Because they’re dirty. swingers don’t know that. Hey, we’re not the people that like, you know, burn the place down and holes in the

road. About swingers.

Definitely not. But that’s fascinating.

Penn Swinger Diaries 43:04
That was super fun. So we’re glad that we did that. And in November, November, we had a couple of awesome things we did. We went to PCAP which of course is we saw you there Right. That’s a palooza which is everyone knows is another podcast music coming up Justin here in a few weeks in the beginning of June. So if you haven’t got your tickets, or if you haven’t booked the flights, you should because it’s going to be epic. And we did the last one, which was in Dallas in November podcastle Palooza so that was super fun. And a lot of sexy friends there. And the next week was the bliss brews.

Mickey Gordon 43:36
So jealous you

Penn Swinger Diaries 43:37
guys was actually two trips that month. Yeah. That what’s funny

Mickey Gordon 43:41
about that for me is we saw you guys at breakfast that day. We’re like, oh, we haven’t seen agent pen forever. So we went and sat down to talk to you guys. And next thing we knew he was after lunchtime. Talking to us for hours.

Paige Swinger Diaries 43:53
I think we sat there through all of breakfast, all the seminars, and then lunch. And then we’re like, oh, we should eat some more. And then I think we finally got

Mallory Gordon 44:02
it. We’re having such a great time.

Mickey Gordon 44:04
I think I love it’s so easy to get caught up in conversation with folks like you’re so easy to talk to. Obviously very, very intelligent people, which makes the conversation even better and you just lose track of time. And those friendships those connections for me are just the best like where I just totally at a loss. I’m super present and I just immerse myself in the moment. And because it’s hard to do these days in your day to day life and it’s so special.

Penn Swinger Diaries 44:31
Well you made November a good month for us in part we had a lot of fun in November that was the PCAP was awesome and seeing you meet so many new friends and we’re looking forward to doing again next month because

Paige Swinger Diaries 44:43
we get to see you again.

Mickey Gordon 44:45
Adrian about that event. It’s it’s different like it. I’ve been to a lot of lifestyle events, but there’s something about PCAP that’s just different than other events. I don’t know if it’s all of the super outgoing extroverted creators that are interacting with everybody I’m really excited and passionate about just being together with and not even necessarily their own listeners. But one of the things about that I like about PCAP. And if you notice this just getting around to my planner promise, it seems like no one promotes themselves there. There’s no There’s no self aggrandizing behavior at PCAP. Everyone’s just there to be together and have

Paige Swinger Diaries 45:20
fun. I think it’s because Kate is a woman and she’s planning it.

Mickey Gordon 45:26
The girl power bitches.

Paige Swinger Diaries 45:29
Female planning, it puts a softer tone to it a more social tone to it at a hardcore like we’re there to have sex and hang it out.

Mickey Gordon 45:38
Yeah, there’s a nurturing after that comes with it. And I think it’s a very holistic experience from a lifestyle perspective when you take a step back, because there’s so many different things that you could be doing. But you don’t have to be doing anything if you don’t want to either. I mean, Buddhism or you can go have sex, even in the playroom, you can go to the dance floor, you can go to the pool, there’s just so much going on, but it’s not in your face. It’s a Build Your Own Adventure. So yeah.

So what came after November? Did the bliss cruise then what?

Penn Swinger Diaries 46:07
Yeah, so the interesting part of that, just as, as I said, when we first started this recording, you know, the reason we recorded for those years was to try to tell people, your normal, well adjusted people, it’s not all about notches on the bedpost, it is not all about Swinging is not all about having sex with strangers. That’s not really what most swingers are. And quite honestly, in December, our sexy trip was just the two of us. We we went down, we flew down to Key Largo and we spent a week at really cute little hideaway on the sand called the bungalows highly recommend very romantic and sexy and just the two of us together. And we have raunchy sex every night, you know, remembering fun things that we’ve done, and there was no hint of lifestyle, there was no need for it. Because we just spent a week together in December,

Paige Swinger Diaries 46:53
January, we went to temptations. We’ve only been there once before the renovation. So it’s fun to go back there and see it and see the people there. It’s a different vibe than desire. But everybody needs to try different. So we did do temptations, a lot of fun. They haven’t done

Penn Swinger Diaries 47:09
temptation. It’s a fun environment for party. Everybody knows it’s a great party. And the crowd is very different than other lifestyle crowds. Because it’s so well inclusive. It’s first of all, it’s a very international crowd. There’s a lot of people from Europe that come to temptations that are pretty big, really. It’s a much larger resort then than others. I mean, it’s three, four times the size or desire much bigger even than he Oh, and it feels like a busy place. A lot of people coming and going or a lot of bachelor party kind of single guys, you know in their 20s who are looking for an adventure.

Mickey Gordon 47:44
I’m just kidding.

Penn Swinger Diaries 47:47
And there are and there’s quite a few bachelorette parties and this time, or anybody that knows we’ve talked about on the show before ahs is like little that is that she thinks it’s odd you know when we asked the question like What do you what’s your you got to choose the porn to be your go to porn? What is it that you like? And he will tell you her go to porn is she likes watching two guys in a threesome like it’s hard to see two guys. So what was unique here is that there were quite a few gay guys. Yeah, I mean dozens of them

Paige Swinger Diaries 48:21
nicely chiseled, delicious to look at a guy with a banana hammocks. Loving talking to them, they were just also fun. So kind.

Mickey Gordon 48:33
Yeah. And apparently they looked fantastic. Very fun

Paige Swinger Diaries 48:37
to look at. But they were not looking at me. But they were fun to look

Mickey Gordon 48:40
at. I was loving. It was on the menu.

Penn Swinger Diaries 48:47
We had a great time, we had a really good time. And for whatever it’s worth, you know, once again, we didn’t play with anybody a trip. It was like it’s about the conversation in the fun in the meeting people in the partying and just, you know, a very wide range of people different than the end desire, which is this homeo you know, heterosexual husband, wife, couples, that’s you’re gonna find that this is a range of people. Oh, yeah. It’s an adventure. Interesting.

Mickey Gordon 49:15
That’s probably the best review of temptation I’ve ever heard of. Mostly, I hear reviews of temptation from keto people, and they have this expectation of a hito like party and they leave disappointed.

Yeah, and I don’t think that’s fair. Because because you’re looking at a frog and expecting it to fly. It’s something totally different. Yeah,

Penn Swinger Diaries 49:32
definitely. Definitely. Yeah. hito Well, you know, because you you’re listening down to they do, you know, is a fun, supercharged sex party. I mean, it’s all wild, crazy, raunchy, exciting sex party. And so you can do as much or as little as you want to in it, and we love you know, we’ve been there several times, and it’s a great place, but this is more like younger people who are looking for hookups and they’re not really in the lifestyle. So that was our experience.

Paige Swinger Diaries 50:04
And I think the crowd changes. Of course all resorts do, but we did have a really fun time. What did we do in February?

Penn Swinger Diaries 50:11
February, we went to a we did sort of like this. So what we’re doing right now is we are at a cabin set up through G and ng because of course, they’re the, they’re the owners of this. The ringleader? That’s right. So they set it all up. And so in February, we did the same thing. We have a group of great friends. So we’ve met through podcasting them through podcasting, because they were not contract tutors, their listeners. And so we all got together and we rented an Airbnb in and in Denver, flew to Denver and we spent most of the week with them having like crazy orgies every night in Denver. So that was awesome. We went to Scarlett ranch we’ve been there before it’s super fun now it’s great to see you again. So February is a lot of fun and then in March to desire to desire we read desire in our favorite

Paige Swinger Diaries 51:07
week there actually we went with we had some friends travel with us and we met so many great

Penn Swinger Diaries 51:15
desires always fun we love desire so we did that in March and then in this so then in April we said we’re gonna go try something different kind of like we did with that friction party let’s do a vibe a party so if you’ve not heard vibe is in the center of us particularly in Tennessee, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, they have a really big draw vibe is Nashville’s number one lifestyle take over, take over hotel and so we’re going and we did the five party for in April their glow party and it was

Paige Swinger Diaries 51:52
they said Friday night was a meet and greet and then Saturday’s the actual party. Friday night was part one. Everybody was in glow. Everybody it was they had the DJ going. It was like the party and then Saturday was that only bigger.

Mickey Gordon 52:10
Nashville, Nashville.

Penn Swinger Diaries 52:11
So if you’ve heard of vibe or you listen, we’re in that central part of the US vibe parties are worth traveling to really really very good. A sexy crowd packed with people.

Mickey Gordon 52:24
It’s not always just talking about it was like there’s a big ass party coming up in Sarasota and it’s at a freakin Ramada Inn. It’s at a Ramada Inn the part of Sarasota you don’t want to stop and there’s a gas station if you have to. But you don’t stop there. And there’s a hotel 1000 people, including us.

Yeah, so you’ll have to let us know how that is. That’s happening. Maybe in June.

Just bring a stick for the roaches. Palmetto bugs, which is something else in Florida.

They fly. Yeah, yeah. And there’s Yeah, they’re big scary register.

Paige Swinger Diaries 53:00
Yeah, they’ll carry you. You get really good at being a ninja. Just keep your shoes on in the hotel room. That’s what I always feel like you need to wear shoes at all times.

Mickey Gordon 53:10
I bring socks like the Dollar Store size. Yeah, just throw it away.

I like the grippy socks for the old people. Those are really good for traction. Oh, yeah. Anytime I just grabbed them off the car. And I’m like, I got some fucking socks.

Sexy. look good.

And just socks. That’s terrible. So by parties. We have something else on our list. That was February.

Penn Swinger Diaries 53:33
That was April. It was April. Yeah, that’s right. And so which brings us to today. We are as we said, we’re recording this is in the month of May. So this is a part of our May adventures. We’re in this cabin in the mountains in Tennessee with our friends. And so we spent the weekend here with them. And two, although we’re our goal is to have sex on all 50 states. You know, we never want to miss the epic stuff. And so actually next week, we’re getting on a plane and we’re going to Europe Wow. Where we will Yeah, where we will not only visit you know London and Dublin and Amsterdam so we can check out red light district and I know what that’s all about. But we’re meeting our good friends and yours. Eight and Darrell from wanderlust excited and the four of us are going to what is like worldwide renowned as the number one swingers club in the world, which is in Rotterdam, and it’s all unfair to so we will be there one week from tonight.

Mallory Gordon 54:36
Yeah, it’s exciting. interroll Which we’re

Paige Swinger Diaries 54:38
so glad they’re going with us because we are so nervous about this whole nother language others

Mickey Gordon 54:45
Yeah, I barely speak English. I mean, what is it? Tell me about that. I mean, or do you have any nerves about the language barrier and

in result play? Yeah,

because yeah. We’ve met. And this is by no means I assume I never feel more American than when I’m surrounded by people that are from other countries. Because I don’t necessarily feel comfortable communicating them. So I don’t. And I think that’s a failure on my part. Because when I have I’ve met some amazing friends from other countries, but when it comes to play, I mean, there’s certain countries that I found to be more aggressive Italians, for example. Hedo we run across them are they’re really aggressive. They don’t speak a word of English but they’re trying to stick their dick and everything fine. And I’m then I’m gonna maybe that’s all the time. Of course, it’s not all Italians are just happy to read that Italian. It’s like saying every American’s natural. We are It’s okay. But or do you guys have any thoughts about that?

Penn Swinger Diaries 55:43
Well, you might just one second, let me say we’ve got the most epic trip we ever did. And we talked about on our show as we went on a lifestyle cruise that went from Rome to Pisa to Monte Carlo to Central A and to Ibiza and to the Naked City and cap tag, and then ended in, in Spain in Barcelona. And it was epic the whole time, with swingers on the boat every night, and you know, seeing amazing sights for the day. So it was fantastic. It’s the only time we’ve ever done Europe. And there’s no question that Americans are very Anglo centric, like we think the world should all speak English, and they do not. So in this case, we really didn’t have any trouble. But this time we’re going and I got a question for you just out of curiosity, you know, we’re gonna go to these places. And we recognize as we found before it, sometimes people speak French and we don’t speak any French. So since I see, you know, teasing and, and maybe flirting happens, but we don’t really speak the same language. So this is not going to go any further. But that’s kind of a fantasy for some people. So I’m curious for you, just two quick questions sometimes ask people. Have you ever had sex full sex with someone whose name you didn’t know? You couldn’t communicate with them? Or maybe you could communicate you just never got around to I didn’t find out what your name was. Have you ever had all penetrative sex with someone whose name you didn’t know?

Mickey Gordon 57:02
Now? For me, but I’ve had sex with people you don’t remember? They’re like, I remember the accident. Like I have no idea.

They answered from us. Yeah. But it deeds. Okay, guys, I’m not as old as this is gonna make me sound that a girl on AOL. And all I knew was for screening. And I never asked anything

Penn Swinger Diaries 57:25
nice. Well, there’s something erotic and sexy about that right? Of interest that when when we asked that show that question, the show is amazing to us. The answers we got back from experienced swingers In fact, we run a cruise ship to ban a Cuba with swingers and movie asked people on the boat and some very experienced people are answering it. And the by far, I mean, 90% of the answer, maybe 95% of the answers were no, I have never had sex with someone’s name. I didn’t know we thought that says something. Because usually we think of swingers that the vanilla world thinks of Swingers, like indiscriminate key parties, I don’t care. I don’t need to know you, I just want to have sex. That’s really not most of the time where relationships get built, and you become good friends with people and that makes them sexier. So amazing how many people would say no, it’s a rarity for what you’re able to say. Now all of that goes back around to saying we’re going to Europe where we’re going to encounter people whose names we aren’t going to be able to because we aren’t gonna be able to speak very well with them because it must be tough. So

Paige Swinger Diaries 58:23
I think that we are going into that club with nothing more than recon. We want to see it. I hear there’s beautiful gardens all around it. Like they say the gardens around this club are beautiful. So and we’ll have Kate and Daryl who will be our backups and help us we are not going in with I want to have sex with someone at this club we’re going in with we are going to see this club it’s supposed to be all the food all the alcohol one price. Everybody gets naked at 1130 1130 You have to get in lingerie. Guys have to be an underwear like I just want to see the atmosphere compared to clubs.

Mickey Gordon 58:59
But would you shy away from an if the opportunity presents itself and there’s

Paige Swinger Diaries 59:03
not shy away?

Penn Swinger Diaries 59:06
So hard to watch her with somebody?

Mickey Gordon 59:08
I can’t wait for Daryl to run up to her a good page page. That word means anal

Are you guys gonna bang your way around Europe when she finished with the United States?

Penn Swinger Diaries 59:23
I don’t know. You know what we’re there to be tourists. And it’s you know, we we espouse a lifestyle of balance in all things and everything in moderation. And we use a part of our life but not all of our life. So we’ll have a little fun for that. And then we’ll be

Paige Swinger Diaries 59:36
saying, yeah, we’ll see how this goes. Who’s our first trip? Just the two of us for the most part, Euro? Yep. So we’ll see how we do.

Penn Swinger Diaries 59:44
That brings us to today. So for whatever it’s worth, as you know, and now we look forward for the next few months because we have a few more months in our you know, victory lap tour. And that brings you in of course because we’re now headed to next month which will be June is PCAP. Good to see you. So We’ve already talked about what fun PCAP is. And we already obviously have indicated that, Darrell are spectacular people, if you don’t know them, this is an awesome chance to meet them. And other spectacular people like the ones we’re here at this cabin with, come to PCAP we really would encourage you, but we’re looking forward to that. Because it’s, it’s a chance to be with friends. That’s like a friends atmosphere.

Mickey Gordon 1:00:24
It really is. It’s is the best thing. You know, I think you guys say that it’s part of your life, but it’s not all of your life. And that’s certainly the case for us. But it is who we are. We couldn’t stop. If I fall off a cliff, like the one we’re on right now. And that’s the end, just throw some shade on top of me and go home. But you know, I Mallory wouldn’t stop being lifestyles, who we are. It’s not what

we do. I do. And we’ve had this discussion to be discourse around it. I feel like it’s an orientation for me. It’s just this is where I’m the happiest? Could I be monogamous? Yes. But I don’t know that I’d be happy. Yeah, I think this allows me to be my most authentic self, my true self.

And PCAP does. Let us do that with people that are like us. And that is amazing. Because there are a lot of people in this world that look down on us, which is partially why you guys had been so discreet about your lives and your lifestyle with your kids and your businesses and things. And obviously, you know, we to a great extent been that way but we’ve started to stop. Look, if you don’t like us for who we are, then we were done with it right?

Penn Swinger Diaries 1:01:30
That is part of the beauty of getting to a point life where we come empty nesters and our children are grown is we remember, we’ve done this for maybe 12 years or something like that. And our kids were all in grade school middle school when we first got in the lifestyle. And it was a giant secret to be hidden and we were deathly afraid that that would get out and he would have to deal with the questions and the shame and the answering things for their parents and we did not ever want that to happen but you get to a stage in your life where we are in you maybe are approaching and certainly a lot of your listeners can appreciate where you go you know what? Damn what anybody thinks. This is my bedroom. Yeah, I don’t get out. I’m a pervert I in You know, you can whisper behind me on my back. I really don’t care because

Mallory Gordon 1:02:15
keep it there. Out of my face. Do whatever you want on your own time. Yeah, to

Mickey Gordon 1:02:18
like it from behind. Anyway. So I we’re kind of running up on time here. And we could talk to you guys all day and all night. We’ve seen us do it for the last couple of days. But let’s do this. Remind people again, how to find the swinger diaries. If you’ve enjoyed the last, you know, 45 minutes of your life, which I hope you have, like we have, I have. So this was just kind of their gift to you guys to get back on the air with us. And it was certainly fun for us. So remind everybody how to find that double dose of the swinger diary.

Paige Swinger Diaries 1:02:47
Yeah, if you’d like a link to the podcast or just get in touch with us, our Gmail is still open. So our swinger [email protected]

Penn Swinger Diaries 1:02:55
So we always spell it on the show. It’s o u r s wi n g R di, D ay AR AR es our Swinging [email protected] That’s how you find us. But more importantly, how you find us is for those we left hanging that will get us through June but in July, we will be at Naughty, Naughty naughty in New Orleans, actually, my birthday is that week.

Mallory Gordon 1:03:21
birthday so we would love to see you in.

Penn Swinger Diaries 1:03:24
We’d love to meet listeners again and just see friends we’re gonna see a bunch of awesome people. So we will be at Naughty New Orleans for July and then that will wrap us up for one full year when we’ll go back in August we’ll make one more trip desire

Paige Swinger Diaries 1:03:37
will be a desire in August the beginning. We did it.

Mickey Gordon 1:03:42
And at that point pen will look like the Cryptkeeper

that’s fantastic. Well guys, thank you so much for making time for us. And you know, your friendship is appreciated and we have missed you on the air. So it’s really great to actually get to see and it

has been such a treat.

Penn Swinger Diaries 1:04:03
Well, we’re honored. We’re honored that people would still care what the hell we have. But you can rest assured we’re not we didn’t die and we didn’t stop you know we didn’t crawl in a hole we’re out we’re having an

Mallory Gordon 1:04:16
awesome I was gonna say I just I love that you

Mickey Gordon 1:04:18
guys are living your best life and celebrating it and relishing it and being very intentional with it.

You want to more thing actually there was a rumor of a blog. Is that going to happen?

Penn Swinger Diaries 1:04:30
Well, I don’t know if Paige’s fingers get into it because I’m not much of a typist, but I don’t know maybe maybe it gets motivated. We’ll see.

Mallory Gordon 1:04:37
I’ll subscribe.

Mickey Gordon 1:04:40
Hey, Mel, are you want to do the thing for everybody?

No, I can do that. I think it’s been a minute. So we are casual swinger everywhere. That’s casual You can find us reach us at podcast at casuals. Like find us on social media. That’s Instagram, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter, sexy Twitter and the datingsites Cassidy sec. SLS The Nation.

All right, that’ll do it. Ladies and gentlemen, this has been an hour with our friends, the swinger diaries. We’re gonna let them get out of here and get back on that beautiful little airplane and fly around and do sexy stuff. Come back and join us again. After this. We have the best episode ever coming your way. Dr. David plank. So that’s coming up in a couple of weeks. Thank you so much. You’ve been listening to casual swinger.

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